Current Trends and Research Opportunities in Hybrid Manufacturing

Gharehpapagh, Bahar
Dilberoğlu, Uğur M
Yaman, Ulaş
Dölen, Melik


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Dilberoğlu, Mecid Uğur; Yaman, Ulaş; Dölen, Melik (2021-01-01)
Despite the rapid growth in the past decade, the industrial adoption of additive manufacturing has not still been achieved due to certain limitations. A recent trend to alleviate its inherent drawbacks is to integrate additive manufacturing with secondary production techniques. Indeed, hybrid additive manufacturing solutions may help overcome the current barriers to today's production systems by making use of the combined merits of merging technologies. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the curr...
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Citation Formats
B. Gharehpapagh, U. M. Dilberoğlu, U. Yaman, and M. Dölen, “Current Trends and Research Opportunities in Hybrid Manufacturing,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: