Kırsal Kalkınma ve Kooperatifçilik



Kırsal Kalkınma Ve Kadın: Türkiye Örneği
Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan(2011-10-01)
Kapsam: Bu projenin amacı, Türkiye'deki kırsal kalkınmanın ve kırsal kadının durumunu, son dönem kırsal kalkınma politikalarını, genel ulusal ve küresel ekonomik koşulları dikkate alarak incelemektir. Türkiye'deki kırsal kalkınma politikasını kırsal kadınları dikkate alarak incelemek için, kalkınma projelerinin temel varsayım ve hedefleri ve bunların kadınlara yönelik politikalarla nasıl bir ilişki içinde oldukları analiz edilecektir. Yöntem: Kırsal kalkınma politikalarının kuramsal varsayım ve hedefleri il...
Kırsal kalkınmanın mekan organizasyonu elemanı olarak köykent sorununa makro yaklaşım. (A macro approach to the problem of Köykent as an element of spatial organization of rural development).
Bulguç, Hülagü; Department of City Planning (1975)
Rural development and women's empowerment : the case of rural women's organizations in Turkey
Furat, Mina; Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan; Department of Sociology (2013)
This Dissertation analyzes the conditions, problems and potential of rural women’s empowerment through a sample of rural women’s organizations (two women’s cooperative, seven rural development cooperative and one village women associaton) with interpreting DAWN iniative and GAD approach with a socialist feminist perspective. In this study, it is stated that the agricultural sector policies and rural development policy were constructed in relation with the conditions of underdevelopment and thus, in relation...
Rural area definition and examination of spatial distribution of rural development projects in Turkey: case study of IPARD in Ankara
Elibol, Banu; Kayasü, Serap; Department of City and Regional Planning (2019)
The concept of “rural” and definition of “rural area” had been controversial since they appear on the literature. Even though rural has been assumed as the opposite of the urban for a long period of time, these two terms are not the opposite but the complementary terms. Therefore, rural development is not an effort to transfer rural areas into urban. Moreover, rural area definition has been evolved by governments, international organizations, and academicians throughout the time. Consequently, development o...
An inquiry into rural-development nongovernmental organizations in Turkey : degree of institutionalization and socio-economic characteristics of the employees
Topal, Çağrı; Hoşgör, Hatice Ayşe; Department of Sociology (2004)
This study is examining the institutionalization degree of the rural development nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and the social-economic status of the employees in those NGOs. The development NGO sector has enormously grown within last three decades. It has also been a period of reorganization for capitalism. The neo-liberal political economy has replaced the Keynesianism/Fordism, integrating the national economies into the global economy. This integration has resulted in increasing income inequalities,...
Citation Formats
H. Ç. Keskinok, “Kırsal Kalkınma ve Kooperatifçilik,” pp. 85–95, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: