An input/output package for ADA programming support environment.

Ozgit, Attilla


An Object-oriented framework for functional mock-up interface co-simulation
Aslan, Memduha; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Durak, Umut; Department of Computer Engineering (2016)
Integration of subsystem or component models in a simulation environment is a crucial task in system development. Variation in model interfaces due to the use of a variety of modeling tools from different vendors complicates this task. Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) is a standard that lays out a tool-independent interface for dynamic system models. In practice, the developers of FMI-compliant models, known as Functional Mockup Units (FMUs), need guidance. In this thesis, an object-oriented framework for ...
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Aydın, Menderes; Genç, Payidar; Department of Computer Engineering (1992)
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Çetinkaya, Deniz; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Department of Computer Engineering (2005)
The High Level Architecture (HLA), IEEE Std. 1516-2000, provides a general framework for distributed modeling and simulation applications, called federations. HLA focuses on interconnection of interacting simulations, called federates, with special emphasis on reusability and interoperability. An HLA object model, be it a simulation object model (SOM), a federation object model (FOM) or the management object model (MOM), describes the data exchanged during federation execution. This thesis introduces a meta...
A graphical editor for component oriented modeling
Kara, Aydın; Doğru, Ali Hikmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2001)
Citation Formats
A. Ozgit, “An input/output package for ADA programming support environment.,” Middle East Technical University, 1983.