Geotechnical Considerations for Mining Method Selection of a Potential Underground Iron Ore Mine in Mideastern, Turkey

Geotechnical analysis plays an important role in determining mining method selection. This study presents the geotechnical design analysis of a potential U/G iron ore Mentes Mine at Yahyali province of Kayseri district in Turkey. Iron ore body is initially planned to be mined by using long hole mining method. Detailed geotechnical site investigation and laboratory work are carried out to assess the applicability of the selected mining method. Diamond-drilled borehole cores are logged and geotechnical characterization of rock mass units is conducted by assigning RMR89 and Q classification values to the basic rock units. Extensive laboratory test work is carried out to find the geotechnical material properties of the ore and the wall rocks. Based on the results of rock mass classification efforts, empirical stope dimensioning work and detailed numerical (finite element) modeling for the stability analyses of pillar-stope layouts and overall mine are conducted. Finally, it is concluded that planned long hole stope dimensions appear to be unsafe and drift and fill mining method appears to be more suitable for this project.
22nd Mine Planning and Equipment Selection Conference, 2013


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Citation Formats
C. Karpuz, “Geotechnical Considerations for Mining Method Selection of a Potential Underground Iron Ore Mine in Mideastern, Turkey,” Dresden/Germany, 2013, vol. 1, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: