The Open Space Contributing to Neighborhood Sustainability Through Public Events: A Case From Ankara Turkey



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The Spaces of Confluences: The Vicissitudes of Ideology and Desire in the Public Places
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This paper inherently focuses on the terrorism and its spatiotemporal recognition in public places in conjunction with the dynamic states of neo-liberal political strategies. 'Confluence' as a word implies the technique behind to read the fluxes of desire and hatred that are developed through the spatiotemporal experiences within the same environment that belong to different agents of societies. It is this conjunction of different identities and traditions that make the everyday life practice of public spac...
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Elias Özkan, Soofia Tahira; Matthieu, Pedergnana (2015-09-09)
A fast developing country, Turkey faces many challenges including an urgent need for sustainable economic development in rural and remote areas. Villagers in Central Anatolia, where climatic conditions are typified by very cold winters and hot, sunny and dry summers, are migrating to cities where they seek a more comfortable life style. Thus village economies have worsened and buildings have been abandoned. The Kerkenes Eco‐Center, located on the edge of Şahmuratlı Village in central Anatolia, was founded i...
The forgotten value: a study on the restructuring urban fabric with water
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The theater of life and imaginative universals in architectural space
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Citation Formats
B. Gedikli, “The Open Space Contributing to Neighborhood Sustainability Through Public Events: A Case From Ankara Turkey,” 2010, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: