The urban park : an extension of nature and urban culture

Renklidağ, Öykü


The forgotten value: a study on the restructuring urban fabric with water
Gürsan, Hand; Barlas, M. Adnan.; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2019)
Water is regarded as a vital element in almost all contexts in the world. From early times, it has a significant role in both in nature and urban settlements. People from the past to the present have always dealt with the water issue for their needs. Basically, they are constantly trying to reach clean water in this process. Together with individuals in the society, the perception of water in cities and in countries have been changed in today's world. Generally, water is used in the urban areas for municipa...
The Spaces of Confluences: The Vicissitudes of Ideology and Desire in the Public Places
Erişen, Serdar (2018-11-11)
This paper inherently focuses on the terrorism and its spatiotemporal recognition in public places in conjunction with the dynamic states of neo-liberal political strategies. 'Confluence' as a word implies the technique behind to read the fluxes of desire and hatred that are developed through the spatiotemporal experiences within the same environment that belong to different agents of societies. It is this conjunction of different identities and traditions that make the everyday life practice of public spac...
The glorification of civil society: international debates and Turkish reflections
Arıner, Hakkı Onur; Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar; Department of International Relations (2006)
This thesis aims to problematize the assumptions behind the glorification of civil society as a new and progressive actor in politics along with their political and ideological implications. It is argued that the assumptions behind the glorification of civil society are conceptually misleading and politically disabling. The portrayal of “civil society” or “global civil society” as a homogenous as well as inherently democratic and peaceful sphere that is opposed to an equally homogenous power-seeking state h...
The Open Space Contributing to Neighborhood Sustainability Through Public Events: A Case From Ankara Turkey
Gedikli, Bahar (null; 2010-10-21)
The theater of life and imaginative universals in architectural space
Erkılıç, Mualla (1999-04-01)
Citation Formats
Ö. Renklidağ, “The urban park : an extension of nature and urban culture,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.