Comparative Policy Analysis Educational Public Policy Analysis in three historical periods in Turkish Republic

ECER 2016, 22 - 26 August 2016


Comparative study of risk measures
Ekşi, Zehra; Körezlioğlu, Hayri; Department of Financial Mathematics (2005)
There is a little doubt that, for a decade, risk measurement has become one of the most important topics in finance. Indeed, it is natural to observe such a development, since in the last ten years, huge amounts of financial transactions ended with severe losses due to severe convulsions in financial markets. Value at risk, as the most widely used risk measure, fails to quantify the risk of a position accurately in many situations. For this reason a number of consistent risk measures have been introduced in...
Systemic-structural approaches, world-system analysis and the study of foreign policy
Tayfur, M.Fatih (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2000-12-1)
This article aims to review and compare the systemic-structural approaches to international relations, and their impact on the study of foreign policy. Yet, the specific objective of this essay is to discuss, ‘The Modern World-System Approach’ which has been, mostly, less well understood or misunderstood, or misinterpreted by the students of international relations and foreign policy analysis. In the era of ‘globalisation’, re-visiting the systemic-structural approaches, and especially ‘the modern world-sys...
Critical analysis on marxist orthodoxies: a contribution of social history of political theory
Koçak, Berkay; Birler, Reşide Ömür; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2017)
This thesis aims to identify the different approaches to historical materialism in a way describing the existing controversy between Political Marxism and mainstream (Orthodox) Marxism especially concentrating on their perspectives viewing the history of political thought. As the unique effort to understand the origins of political theory, the discipline namely ‘the social history of political theory’ -which was founded and developed by Ellen Meiksins Wood (1942-2016)- is revisited and reevaluated in compar...
Common agricultural policy regionalised impact - the rural development dimension (CAPRI-RD)
Öcal, Nadir(2013-4-30)
The Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact – the Rural Development Dimension (CAPRI-RD) aims to develop and apply an operational, Pan-European tool including all Candidate and Potential Candidate countries to analyse the regional impacts of all policy measures under CAP Pillar I and II across a wide range of economic, social and environmental indicators, aligned with the CMEF. CAPRI-RD’s core contains consistently linked economic models at the NUTS 2 level, the CAPRI model for agriculture, and a new...
Critical Realism, International Relations Theory and Marxism
Yalvaç, Faruk (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010-02-01)
Bu makale eleştirel gerçekçilik ile Marksizm arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektedir.
Citation Formats
S. Emil, “Comparative Policy Analysis Educational Public Policy Analysis in three historical periods in Turkish Republic,” presented at the ECER 2016, 22 - 26 August 2016, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: