NGO Workers working for children with special needs and their educational rights

Coşkun Tuncay, Tuna
Soylu, Şebnem
5. Uluslararası okul öncesi Eğitim Kongresi, 18 - 21 October 2017


Charity programmes : representation of povertry in Turkish television
Çamur, Aysel; Erdoğan, Necmi; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2004)
This thesis analyses the representation of poverty in the charity programmes broadcast on Turkish television, namely Deniz Feneri, Kimse Yok mu, Yarinlar Umut Olsun and Yolcu. It examines the continuities, discontinuities and breaks in the representation of poor with reference to Turkish cinema, novel and media. Critical discourse analysis of the charity programmes indicates that poverty is legitimised and naturalised, being made no reference to social, economic and political context of poverty. The constru...
Network planning of walk-in clinics on roadsides in africa
Taymaz, Sine; İyigün, Cem; Bayındır, Zeynep Pelin; Department of Industrial Engineering (2013)
This study discusses the problem of finding the optimal location of “walk-in clinics” specialized in healthcare along the transportation lines that would enable maximum coverage along the roads for the mobile populations and their related local communities. As the mobile populations are flowing on the routes unremittingly, the problem differs from other location problems. Every member of the mobile population would require a specialized service for their diseases and needs to access these services in a cont...
Expert views and local responses towards Iraqi Turkmen humanitarian refugees in Ankara, Turkey
Manap Kırmızıgül, Çiğdem; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Sociology (2017)
This dissertation is based on the stories and perceptions of the local people about therefugees in their daily relationships in Ankara. With an aim to reveal the localpeople’s perspective about the refugees, the fieldwork of this study was carried out inAbidinpaşa District, where the population of Iraqi Turkmens is concentrated inAnkara. The local people’s perspectives about the refugees are analyzed based onSimmel’s concept of “stranger”, and relying on Park’s “marginal man”, Siu’s“sojourner”, and Bauman’s...
Oral poetry and weeping in the case of Dersimli women
Demir, Aylin; Erdemir, Aykan; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2010)
This thesis analyzes the issue of performing self in the genres of oral poetry and weeping, which are performed by Dersimli women in the course of their everyday life practices. This study focuses on the case of Dersim (Tunceli) which is located in the east part of Turkey where Zazaki-speaking and Kurdish-speaking Alevi people constitute the majority of the population. I deal with these performances as repetitive actions, occurring in the course of everyday life. I focus on the narratives in the songs and i...
Pseudo-Dynamic Testing, Performance Assessment, and Modeling of Deficient Reinforced Concrete Frames
Sucuoğlu, Haluk; Binici, Barış (2014-09-01)
A pair of half-scale, three-story, three-bay concrete bare frames were tested by the pseudo-dynamic (PsD) testing procedure. Both frames represent common deficiencies. of non-seismic construction. Continuous column reinforcement in one specimen and insufficient lap splices at the bottom ends of columns in the other specimen were the only significant differences. Measured seismic performances of both frames were assessed by using the rotation and strain-based acceptance criteria of two different seismic code...
Citation Formats
T. Coşkun Tuncay and Ş. Soylu, “NGO Workers working for children with special needs and their educational rights,” presented at the 5. Uluslararası okul öncesi Eğitim Kongresi, 18 - 21 October 2017, Ankara, Türkiye, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: