Neoliberal Labor Processs and Containment Strategies The Case of Tekel



Neoliberal subject construction through governmentality of health discources : focus on organic food consumers
Kalderon, Veni; Kalaycıoğlu, H.Sibel.; Department of Sociology (2019)
This work attemptsto argue thatthe consumers of organic food in Turkey are subjects of neoliberalism, with women being the major consumer group. The case of organic food consumption enables us to critically approach the free market society that renders social, cultural, and political issues into economic arena which necessitates a new approach for understanding the subject formation and maintenance of social order. Through this work, it is aimed to analyze the new subjects of neoliberalism with a close focu...
Neoliberal recipies to the post- conflict Bosnia- Herzegovina : the case of privatizations
Gültekin, Volkan; Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar; Department of International Relations (2011)
The thesis analyzes the effects of post-war reconstruction on Bosnian politics, economy and society by focusing on the privatization process. To this end, the strategies followed by local and international actors are examined critically within the context of the globally dominant neoliberal paradigm. This thesis argues that the privatization process has made the realization of the Dayton vision for Bosnian peace- and state-building difficult by strengthening nationalist-extremist local elites, contributing ...
Neoliberal pension reform as a class project: the cases of Chile and Turkey
Yılmaz Akın, Burcu Gökçe; Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar; Department of International Relations (2014)
The purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate the validity of David Harvey’s argument that neoliberalism is a class project in relation to the transformation of pension systems in the countries of the South that have been forced by the International Financial Institutions since the 1980s. The proposed reform has tried to be justified by a discourse that has emphasized the need for sustainable pension systems in the face of population ageing while population ageing has indeed been one of the most important dem...
Neoliberal Common Sense and Short-Term Study Abroad: A Focus on Prospective Language Teachers’ Discourses
Çiftçi, Emrullah Yasin; Karaman, Abdullah Cendel (2021-11-25)
Neoliberalism and Argentine Tango? The perspective of Habermas’s public sphere
Bedir, Nurdan Selay (null; 2018-09-14)
Citation Formats
A. Topal Yılmaz, “Neoliberal Labor Processs and Containment Strategies The Case of Tekel,” 2013, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: