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A comparative study on the abundance and elemental composition of POM in three interconnected basins the Black the Marmara and the Mediterranean Seas
Çoban Yıldız, Yeşim
Tuğrul, Süleyman
Ediger, Dilek
Polat, Çolpan
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The abundance and elemental composition of suspended particulate organic matter in the upper lay-ers of the interconnected Mediterranean, Marmara and Black Seas having different ecosystems weredetermined in 1990-1998. The aim was principally to compare the C:N:P ratio of seston and understandfactors controlling the seston composition in near- and off-shore waters of these seas. In the MarmaraSea, euphotic zone average particulate concentrations varied regionally and seasonally between 10-35 ìMfor POC, 0.4-4.5 ìM for PON and 0.05-0.45 ìM for PP. These concentrations are mostly above the off-shore Black Sea values but much greater than those measured in the open waters of the north-easternMediterranean whose near-shore data are comparable with the seston content of the deep Black Sea. Comparison of C:N:P ratios of seston reveals that atmospheric and land-based phosphorus input influ-ences the C:P and N:P ratios in the near-shore waters. Apparent nutrient deficiencies observed in thewater column were not as remarkable in the elemental composition of seston. Unexpectedly, in the NEMediterranean, N:P ratios from regression analyses of particulate data are very low (7-9) in the coastalregion but slightly increase to levels of 10-15 in the open sea. In the Sea of Marmara, the N:P ratios (7-12) of seston are as low as in the Mediterranean, being consistent with the particulate ratios of the BlackSea inflow and NO3:PO4ratios of the Marmara sub-halocline water. The Black Sea seston is relativelyrich in carbonaceous compounds with N:P ratio ranging merely between 15-17 in the open sea but 9-27in coastal waters where riverine discharges markedly influence the stoichiometry of seston
Subject Keywords
Black, Mediterranean, Marmara Seas, POM concentration, C:N:P ratio.
C:N:P ratio
POM concentration
Marmara Seas
Mediterranean Marine Science 1.1
Graduate School of Marine Sciences, Article
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Citation Formats
Y. Çoban Yıldız, S. Tuğrul, D. Ediger, and Ç. Polat, “A comparative study on the abundance and elemental composition of POM in three interconnected basins the Black the Marmara and the Mediterranean Seas,”
Mediterranean Marine Science 1.1
, pp. 51–64, 2000, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: