Effect of thermal induced flexural strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue performance of integral bridge steel H-piles

Karalar, Memduh
Dicleli, Murat
the 2017 world congress on advanced in structural engineering and mechanics, 28 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2017


Effect of thermal induced flexural strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue performance of integral bridge steel H-piles
Karalar, Memduh; Dicleli, Murat (2016-10-01)
Close examination of the field measurement data for integral bridges revealed that the measured cyclic flexural strains in steel H-piles at the abutments due to thermal fluctuations consist of large amplitude, primary small amplitude and secondary small amplitude cycles. The effect of the small amplitude strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue life of these steel H-piles has not been extensively studied yet. Accordingly, to investigate the effect of the small amplitude strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue ...
Effect of Seismically Induced Cyclic Displacements on Low Cycle Fatigue Performance of Integral Bridge Piles
Dicleli, Murat (2010-08-08)
Effect of pile orientation on the fatigue performance of jointless bridge H-piles subjected to cyclic flexural strains
Karalar, Memduh; Dicleli, Murat (2023-02-01)
This paper explores the effect of pile orientation on the low cycle fatigue (LCF) performance of steel H–piles (SPs) at jointless bridge (JB) abutments via experimental testing and finite element simulation. The experimental testing program includes 42 full scale SP specimens subjected to strong axis (SA) and weak axis (WA) bending. The SPs are tested under cyclic displacement reversals mimicking the thermal induced displacement cycles associated with the seasonal elongation and contraction of the JB in the...
Effect of cyclic thermal loading on the performance of steel H-piles in integral bridges with stub-abutments
Dicleli, Murat (Elsevier BV, 2004-02-01)
In this paper, analytical equations are developed to estimate the lateral displacement capacity of steel-H piles in integral bridges with stub abutments subjected to cyclic thermal variations. First, steel H piles that are capable of sustaining large plastic deformations are identified based on their local buckling strength. The normalized moment-curvature relationships of these piles are then obtained for various axial load levels. Next, a low-cycle fatigue damage model is employed to determine the maximum...
Citation Formats
M. Karalar and M. Dicleli, “Effect of thermal induced flexural strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue performance of integral bridge steel H-piles,” presented at the the 2017 world congress on advanced in structural engineering and mechanics, 28 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2017, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/80779.