Effect of Seismically Induced Cyclic Displacements on Low Cycle Fatigue Performance of Integral Bridge Piles

The 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region and Australasian Structural Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia (2010 )


Effect of seismically induced loads on low cycle fatigue in steel H piles of integral bridges
Dicleli, Murat (null; 2011-10-11)
Effect of thermal induced flexural strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue performance of integral bridge steel H-piles
Karalar, Memduh; Dicleli, Murat (2016-10-01)
Close examination of the field measurement data for integral bridges revealed that the measured cyclic flexural strains in steel H-piles at the abutments due to thermal fluctuations consist of large amplitude, primary small amplitude and secondary small amplitude cycles. The effect of the small amplitude strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue life of these steel H-piles has not been extensively studied yet. Accordingly, to investigate the effect of the small amplitude strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue ...
Effect of thermal induced flexural strain cycles on the low cycle fatigue performance of integral bridge steel H-piles
Karalar, Memduh; Dicleli, Murat (null; 2017-08-28)
Effect of lead core heating on the seismic performance of bridges isolated with LRB in near-fault zones
Ozdemir, Gokhan; Dicleli, Murat (2012-11-01)
In this paper, the effect of lead core heating and associated strength deterioration on the seismic response of bridges isolated with lead rubber bearings (LRB) is investigated as a function of the characteristics of the isolator and near fault ground motions with forward rupture directivity effect. Furthermore, the ability of bounding analyses to provide a design envelope for maximum isolator force and maximum isolator displacement is verified. For this purpose, a series of nonlinear dynamic analyses are c...
Citation Formats
M. Dicleli, “Effect of Seismically Induced Cyclic Displacements on Low Cycle Fatigue Performance of Integral Bridge Piles,” presented at the The 5th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region and Australasian Structural Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia (2010 ), Sydney, Australia, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/71848.