Squatting (in Turkey): A Practice of Transforming Public Spaces into Commons?



Squatter housing versus apartment housing.
Erdoğan, Tahire; Department of Architecture (1981)
Elias-Ozkan, Soofia Tahira (2014-03-01)
This paper presents findings of a comparative study on the removal and disposal of fenestration units in two separate buildings, belonging to the same period and built with similar construction materials. Demolition techniques were used for removing the fenestration units from a building that was undergoing refurbishment; while, deconstruction techniques were used for dismantling similar units from another building that was being selectively demolished.
Reclaiming pedestrian-oriented places to increase walkability in city center the case of Yüksel Street, Ankara
Farnian, Saideh; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine; Department of City and Regional Planning (2014)
Walking as the basic, cheapest and the most affordable way of transportation, recreation and socialization is a significant means of experiencing a city. Walkability of a city is a measure of how friendly, safe and attractive a city is to walk within it. Walking in a city and the extent to which the built environment supports walking is signifier of civilization and popular walkable spaces particularly in city center are considered as part of collective memory of a city. Accordingly, a well-designed walkabl...
Walkability as an urban design strategy for revitalization of historic city centers
Belge, Züleyha Sara; Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge (2016-10-06)
Vernacular Architecture And Environmental Influences: An Analytic And A Comparative Study
Turan, Mete (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1975)
Yerleşmeleri, hatta barınak ya da konutları çevresel dizgenin bir altdizgesi olarak onayan bir varsayım sonucu tek tek yapılardaki enerji dengesini çözümleyebiliriz. Bu çalışma, genel "enerji-bütçesi" denklemini (In = LE + H+G) oluşturan veriler içinde yapı gereçlerinin ısı biriktirme/saklama yeteneklerini (G), ve yöresel mimarlıkta bu enerjiyi kullanma ve yararlanmada ki evrimi, değişik iklimsel Özellikleri olan iki bölgeyi örnek alarak, ortaya koymayı amaç edinmiştir. Değişik toplum ve kültürlerin yöresel...
Citation Formats
H. İ. Rittersberger, Squatting (in Turkey): A Practice of Transforming Public Spaces into Commons? 2015, p. 99.