From traditional neighborhoods to urban enclaves: an investigation on the residents’ perceptions of their residential territories

Memlük, Nihan Oya
Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge


From Routine to Ritual: Social and Spatial Consumption of Water in Roman Domestic Context, Sampling Pompeii, Ephesus and Zeugma
Başar, Nilay; Özgenel, Lale; Department of History of Architecture (2022-6-07)
While access to water and its use in both public and private spheres is a historical phenomenon that we can trace in earlier cultures, it was Roman engineers who brought water to cities and houses and made running water a comfort of daily life more than any other culture in the ancient world. Romans built impressive aqueducts, water channels, public fountains, and baths and made water management and engineering one of the central aspects of their empire. The consumption and management of water in the Roman ...
Akdoğan, Gizem; Bayırbağ, Mustafa Kemal; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2022-3)
Enterprises, entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurial functions have started to be studied in the 1920s under Max Weber’s influence. From that day to today, scholars have studied “entrepreneurship” and since the 1990s “social entrepreneurship” has drawn the attention of scholars, the private sector, and the public in general. In recent years, social entrepreneurship has received attention also in Turkey; however, it is still a new concept for the country. Although there seems not to be consensus on the definition...
From Rapproachment to Disenchantment: Constructing the Discourses on Turkey-EU Relations in Turkish and European Parliaments
Alpan, Başak Zeynep (null; 2019-09-04)
Keynesgil Finansal Düzenlemelerden Finansallaşmaya: iktisat Literatürü Ve ABD Ekonomisinin Finansallaşmasına Tarihsel Bir Bakış
Orhangazi, Özgür (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2008-6)
Basta ABD ekonomisi olmak üzere hem merkez hem de çevre ülke ekonomilerinde finansal piyasaların, iliskilerin, kurumların ve islemlerin boyutları ve önemi özellikle son yirmi-yirmibes senede muazzam düzeyde arttı. Öyle ki, kapitalist sistemin su an içinde bulunduğu asamayı nitelemek için sıkça kullanılan küresellesme ve neoliberalizm kavramlarına bir üçüncüsü olarak ‘finansallasma’ eklendi. Bu makalede, Keynesgil birikim sürecinin çesitli kural ve kısıtlamalarla düzenlenmis finansal sisteminin yerini, gider...
From Simple to Complex Configuration: Sustainability of Gestalt Principles of Visual Perception Within the Complexity Paradigm
Mennan, Zeynep (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2009-01-01)
The paper presents a design research project developed in 2006 and in 2007 at the Computational Design Research Lab (CoDeReL). CoDeReL is an elective graduate design research studio initiated in 2005 at the Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture, to function as an integrated research and teaching structure. The double educational and research agenda of the studio aims at enhancing intellectual infrastructure for research and design in the architecture/technology interface and adresses ...
Citation Formats
N. O. Memlük and Z. M. Akkar Ercan, “From traditional neighborhoods to urban enclaves: an investigation on the residents’ perceptions of their residential territories,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: