Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera from the Germav Formation in Gercüş area SE Anatolia Turkey with notes on the suprageneric classification of globotruncanids

Revue de Paléobiologie


Maastrichtian-Thanetian planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and remarks on the K-Pg boundary in the southern Kocaeli Peninsula (NW Turkey)
Sarigul, Volkan; Hakyemez, Aynur; Tuysuz, Okan; Can Genc, Sengul; Yılmaz, İsmail Ömer; Özcan, Ercan (2017-01-01)
The Kocaeli Peninsula (NW Turkey) provides one of the best exposed deep marine Upper Cretaceous-Palaeocene sections in north-western Anatolia. The biostratigraphic framework from three sections, namely Belen, Bulduk, and Toylar, in the southern part of the Kocaeli Peninsula is established by means of planktonic foraminifera. A very rich planktonic foraminiferal assemblage analysed both in thin sections and washed residues records a biozonation ranging from the Contusotruncana contusa (CF6) Zone (Maastrichti...
Eocene post collisional volcanism in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex Turkey Petrology and geodynamic significance
Geneli, Fatma; Göncüoğlu, Mehmet Cemal; Lassıter, J; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (null; 2010-09-04)
In the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) the Late Cretaceous postcollisional granitic magmatism is followed by Eocene extension, resulting in formation of roughly E-W trending transtensional basins. The volcanic rocks, mainly submarine lava flows and subareal domes are concentrated along these Middle Eocene (Bartonian) basins. The volcanic rocks are basic to intermediate and are classified as basalt, basaltic andesite and rarely alkali basalt and trachy-andesite. Petrographically they are general...
Stratigraphical, sedimentological, geochemical and cyclostratigraphical analyses of upper cretaceous (upper santonian- campanian) pelagic successions of Haymana and Mudurnu-Göynük basins of the Sakarya continent, Turkey
Afridi, Bakht Zamir; Yılmaz, İsmail Ömer; Department of Geological Engineering (2014)
The Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian-Campanian) successions were measured from two different basins of Turkey, Haymana basin and Mudurnu-Göynük basin. The measured Alagöz and Göynük sections are dominantly composed of red marly beds and fine grained siliciclastic green-gray beds with occasional interruption of fine grained turbiditic bedding. A variety of lithofacies are identified in the studied sections, including radiolarian packstone, silty marls, marls, mudstone, claystone, siltstone and fine grained ...
Palaeoenvironmental and chronological constraints on the Tuglu Formation (Cankiri Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey)
Mazzini, Ilaria; Hudackova, Natalia; Joniak, Peter; Kovacova, Marianna; Mikes, Tamas; Mulch, Andreas; Rojay, Fuat Bora; Lucifora, Stella; Esu, Daniela; Soulie-Maersche, Ingeborg (2013-01-01)
The Cankiri Basin, located in the northern part of the Central Anatolian Plateau, is a large Tertiary basin where thick Miocene to Quaternary continental sediments overlay the Cretaceous-Tertiary units. This investigation focuses on the Tuglu Formation, an Upper Miocene succession mainly composed of dark grey silty and organic rich clays. The type section of Tuglu has been sampled for an array of multidisciplinary analyses. The palaeontological proxies included ostracod, foraminifer, nannoplankton, pollen, ...
Maasstrichtian planktonic foraminifera and stratigraphy of the germav formation Gerçüş area, southeast Turkey.
Özkan, Sevinç; Department of Geological Engineering (1985)
Citation Formats
S. Altıner, “Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera from the Germav Formation in Gercüş area SE Anatolia Turkey with notes on the suprageneric classification of globotruncanids,” Revue de Paléobiologie, pp. 261–277, 1987, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: