“National Youth Employment Program and Pilot Implementation in Antalya”,

Rittersberger, Helga İda
Ercan, Hakan
Mütevellioğlu, Nergis
Coşkun, Yadigar


“National Unity” versus “Plurality of Identities”:Controversy over Democracy in Turkey
Erdoğan, Necmi; Özçoban Üstüner, Fahriye (2004-12-01)
“Literary Public Sphere of Ottoman Women in the Nineteenth Century Istanbul.”
Yıldız Bağçe, Hülya (null; 2007-11-17)
“Tangent” architecture: YKKS building reconstructed
Alp, Aslı; Savaş Sargın, Ayşen; Department of Architecture (2019)
This work seeks to provide an analysis of the YKKS building designed by Teğet Mimarlık architects. Shortly after the inauguration of the Yapı Kredi Art and Culture Center in İstanbul in 2017, the building was immediately recognized in a number of architectural publications in Turkey as well as abroad. Reasons for such earned reputation are various. One of the major interpretations illustrates the building as “negotiating the fine line between preservation and transformation.” ‘fine’ indicating a nuance. Thi...
‘‘Form’’ and ‘‘space’’ in Roman domestic architecture: the architectural language of the Atrium house
Şeker Ilgın, Ayşegül; Özgenel, Lale; Department of History of Architecture (2008)
This study investigates two significant components of architectural design, ‘‘form’’ and ‘‘space’’ and the basic design elements and principles used in their creation in the context of Roman domestic architecture. It more specifically examines how, by which means and for which purposes certain form and space defining tools such as the column, wall, floor, ceiling and opening with their architectural equivalents as the point, line, plane and volume were used in the atrium houses exemplified in Pompeii in Ita...
“Nineteenth Century Ottoman Women Writers”
Yıldız Bağçe, Hülya (2007-04-19)
Citation Formats
H. İ. Rittersberger, H. Ercan, N. Mütevellioğlu, and Y. Coşkun, ““National Youth Employment Program and Pilot Implementation in Antalya”,” 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/migration_and_employment_antalya.pdf.