Utilization of information systems and technologies in foodservice sector

Cılga, Volkan


Utilization of social networking services in conservation, case study Eskihisar, rural settlement including archeological assets
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Traditional built-up environment, traditional life and ecological tissue that have been created in time by human beings are ignored on behalf of archeological assets in archeological areas on the rural settlements. However, the coexistence of archeological, architectural, ecological and traditional invariants must be preserved; this coexistence is a product of life style coming from early periods onwards. A unique scientific conservation approach should be developed for this kind of settlements in order to ...
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Bringing a high tech product to the market as soon as possible has never been so critical. Quality control of critical parts manufactured in large quantities is a problem to solve in many industries ranging from aerospace to automotive. If there are precision parts with very tight dimensional tolerances in the assembly, each and every dimension of every part must be measured. Otherwise parts with dimensions out of tolerances will create more trouble in the later steps of the assembly. Measuring the dimensio...
Utilization of automatic computation methods in the design and optimization of reinforced concrete buildings.
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Utilization of numerical weather prediction models for flood planning and operational studies in datascarce basins
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With the increasing rates of urbanization, floods have become a more critical problem day by day. Consequently, the perception arises that the flood control structures have become insufficient. Well-calibrated weather forecasting and hydrological models are important complementary tools to reduce the damage caused by floods. Such applications can yield results as useful as structural measures. In this study, the effects of the use of numerical weather forecasting and hydrological models on structural and no...
Use of environmental performance indicators to promote cleaner technologies in small and medium sized cotton textile wet processing industry
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Citation Formats
V. Cılga, “Utilization of information systems and technologies in foodservice sector,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.