Minimizing the number of tool transporter movements in flexible manufacturing systems

Kilinç, Fatma
Azizoğlu, Meral


Minimizing the number of tool switching instants in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Konak, Abdullah; Kulturel-Konak, Sadan; Azizoğlu, Meral (Elsevier BV, 2008-12-01)
In this study, we address a part-type sequencing and tool switching problem arising in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. We consider the single machine problem of minimizing the number of tool switching instants. We propose two tabu search approaches to find high-quality solutions. Our computational results reveal that both tabu search approaches produce optimal or near-optimal solutions in reasonable times.
Minimizing the Age of Information in Broadcast Wireless Networks
Kadota, Igor; Uysal, Elif; Singh, Rahul; Modiano, Eytan (2016-09-30)
We consider a wireless broadcast network with a base station sending time-sensitive information to a number of clients. The Age of Information (AoI), namely the amount of time that elapsed since the most recently delivered packet was generated, captures the freshness of the information. We formulate a discrete-time decision problem to find a scheduling policy that minimizes the expected weighted sum AoI of the clients in the network. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to provide a scheduli...
Minimizing the Number of Detrimental Objects in Multi-Dimensional Graph-Based Codes
Hareedy, Ahmed; Kuditipudi, Rohith; Calderbank, Robert (2020-09-01)
© 1972-2012 IEEE.The increasing demand for access to data has led to dramatic increases in data storage densities, and as densities increase, new sources of error appear. Multi-dimensional (MD) graph-based codes are capable of mitigating error sources like interference and channel non-uniformity in dense storage devices. A recent innovation improves the performance of MD spatially-coupled codes that are based on circulants by carefully relocating some circulants to minimize the number of short cycles. Howev...
Minimizing total flow time on a single flexible machine
Karakayali, Ibrahim; Azizoğlu, Meral (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2006-03-01)
In this study, we address a job sequencing and tool switching problem arising in flexible manufacturing systems. We consider the single machine problem of minimizing total flow time. We prove that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and show that the tool switching problem is polynomially solvable for a given sequence.
Minimizing axis drift in fully compliant slider-crank mechanism
Saygılı , Ufuk Enes; Yazıcıoğlu, Yiğit; Yıldız, Erdinç Nuri; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2023-1-23)
Compliant slider-crank mechanisms have been studied several times to gain the advantages of compliant mechanisms. The advantages of compliant mechanisms are precision, reducing cost, having no wear, and reducing weight, all gained by manufacturing them as a single piece without backlash. Compliant slider-crank mechanisms also have a critical disadvantage to solve: axis drift and axis rotation of the output segment. Partially compliant slider-cranks are studied several times, and there is only one stud...
Citation Formats
F. Kilinç and M. Azizoğlu, “Minimizing the number of tool transporter movements in flexible manufacturing systems,” 2005, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: