Automatic control of an atmospheric fluidized bed combustor

İkeda, K. Sinan


Automatic control of sucrose crystallization process.
Sonat, Hakan; Department of Electrical Engineering (1973)
Automatic control of cabonation in sugar refining.
Peksen, Hasan; Department of Electrical Engineering (1973)
Automatic Segmentation of High Speed Video Images of Vocal Folds
KOÇ, Turgay; Çiloğlu, Tolga (Hindawi Limited, 2014-01-01)
An automatic method for segmenting glottis in high speed endoscopic video (HSV) images of vocal folds is proposed. The method is based on image histogram modeling. Three fundamental problems in automatic histogram based processing of HSV images, which are automatic localization of vocal folds, deformation of the intensity distribution by nonuniform illumination, and ambiguous segmentation when glottal gap is small, are addressed. The problems are solved by using novel masking, illumination, and reflectance ...
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Unal, Ali Ulvi; Department of Civil Engineering (1974)
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Artusi, Alessandro; POULİ, Tania; BANTERLE, Francesco; Akyüz, Ahmet Oğuz (2018-04-01)
High dynamic range (HDR) images require tone reproduction to match the range of values to the capabilities of a display. For computational reasons and given the absence of fully calibrated imagery, rudimentary color reproduction is often added as a post-processing step rather than integrated into tone reproduction algorithms. In the general case, this currently requires manual parameter tuning, and can be automated only for some global tone reproduction operators by inferring parameters from the tone curve....
Citation Formats
K. S. İkeda, “Automatic control of an atmospheric fluidized bed combustor,” Middle East Technical University, 1989.