Department of Modern Languages, Course Material

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Entity Type
Open Course (7)

Has File(s)
No (7)

Algan, Serkan (1)
Anonymous (1)
Balbay, Seher (1)
Bür, Sinem (1)
Duzan, Canan (1)


Date Issued
2012 - 2017 (5)

Item Type

Recent Submissions

English for Academic Purposes I
Bür, Sinem(2017)
Advanced Communication Skills
Graves, Aylin(2012)
English for Academic Purposes II
English for Academic Purposes II
Köse, Özgür(2012)
English for Academic Purposes II
Algan, Serkan(2012)
Academic Speaking Skills
Duzan, Canan(2012-2013)
English 211 is a speaking course designed with the aim of equipping students with the essential speaking skills they need to cope with the English language as medium of instruction. Therefore, the course revolves around tw...
Academic Oral Presentation Skills
Balbay, Seher(2005-2006)
The course aims at developing oral presentation skills. To this end, students are engaged in classroom discussions following advanced reading texts on a variety of topics. In the course students study effective presentatio...
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