Two types of inferrable indefinites

RefNet Workshop onPsychological and Computational Models of Reference Comprehension and Production (31 August 2014)


Two kinds of real lines on real del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1
Finashin, Sergey (2021-11-01)
We show how the real lines on a real del Pezzo surface of degree 1 can be split into two species, elliptic and hyperbolic, via a certain distinguished, intrinsically defined, Pin(-)-structure on the real locus of the surface. We prove that this splitting is invariant under real automorphisms and real deformations of the surface, and that the difference between the total numbers of hyperbolic and elliptic lines is always equal to 16.
Two approaches for collective learning with language games
Gülçehre, Çağlar; Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2011)
This thesis presents a defense of the view that externalism cannot be a theoretical basis of a mentalistic causal-explanatory science, even though such a theoretical basis is implicitly or explicitly adopted by many cognitive scientists. Externalism is a theory in philosophy of mind which states that mental properties are relations between the core realizers of an individual’s mental states (such as brain states) and certain things that exist outside those realizers (such as what the content of a mental sta...
Two multi-criteria decision making methods for selection of wide-body passenger aircraft
GÜNEŞ, HÜSEYİN GÖKALP; Karakaya, Gülşah (2022-11-26)
Two matching algorithms for aerial images
Çulha, Davut; Atalay, Volkan; Gülfer, Marifi; Department of Computer Engineering (1998)
Two-Person Zero-Sum Communicating Stochastic Games
Avşar, Zeynep Müge (1997-10-26)
For undiscounted two-person zero-sum communicating stochastic games with finite state and action spaces, a solution procedure is proposed that exploits the communication property, i.e., working with irreducible games over restricted strategy spaces. The proposed procedure gives the value of the communicating game with an arbitrarily small error when the value is independent of the initial state.
Citation Formats
U. Özge, “Two types of inferrable indefinites,” presented at the RefNet Workshop onPsychological and Computational Models of Reference Comprehension and Production (31 August 2014), Edinburgh, Saint Helena, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: