Scientific research trends of occupational health and safety in construction management over the past two decades



Scientific research trends of occupational health and safety in construction management over the past two decades
Erdekli, Yusuf Kemal; Saygılı, Murathan; Tokdemir, Onur Behzat (2019-10-01)
Empirical analysis of the relationship between electricity demand and economic uncertainty
Akarsu, Gülsüm; Gaygısız Lajunen, Esma; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2013)
The determination of the factors that influence electricity demand and the estimation of price and income elasticities are very crucial for both effective policies and consistent demand projections. The purposes of this dissertation are to investigate the determinants of electricity demand, to obtain the price and income elasticities, and to examine the effect of economic uncertainty/volatility on the electricity demand. We model electricity demand as a function of electricity price, income, urbanization ra...
Empirical investigation on the determinants of organic food purchasing behavior
Dinç Cavlak, Özge; Özdemir, Özlem; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2019)
The main motivation of this thesis is to reveal the determinants of organic food purchasing behavior of individuals by improving a psychological model and try to elicit individuals’ willingness to pay estimates for each attribute of organic foods in an experimental setting. In the first essay, we aim to reveal the determinants of organic food purchasing behavior within the Theory of Planned Behavior framework, and the basic model is extended by incorporating food safety concern, health consciousness, trust,...
Empirical Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Organised Food Retailers in Ankara with Regard to Neighbourhoods’ Social, Economic and Physical Characteristics
Büyükcivelek, Ahmet Burak (2014-01-01)
Kentleşme süreçleri ile perakende coğrafyasının dönüşümü arasındaki ilişki, 1900’lerin başından beri, kent planlama, coğrafya ve toplumbilim alanlarının ilgi odağı olmuştur. Geliştirilen farklı yaklaşımlar bu ilişkinin farklı boyutları üzerinde yoğunlaşmış, iki süreç arasındaki etkileşimin parçalarını nedensellikler üzerinden açıklamayı amaçlamıştır. Bu yazıda, Ankara kenti üzerine yapılan araştırma bulgularından yola çıkılarak geçmiş yaklaşımların parçacıl açıklamalardan öteye gitmediği, etkileşim sürecini...
Empirical investigation of Internet banking usage in Turkey
Daneshgadeh, Salva; Özkan Yıldırım, Sevgi; Department of Information Systems (2013)
With the fast development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), internet banking has become more popular worldwide. This study empirically investigates the factors impact internet banking usage by Turkish bank customers. A unique Internet Banking Usage Model (IBUM) was developed in this study. The proposed model incorporated 10 factors named usefulness, ease of use, compatibility, control, social influence, risk, website features, alliance service, awareness of service and customization/perso...
Citation Formats
Y. K. Erdekli and O. B. Tokdemir, “Scientific research trends of occupational health and safety in construction management over the past two decades,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: