Seventeenth-Century Ottoman-Habsburg Border Relations, Kleinkrieg and Micro-Diplomacy /Onyedinci Yüzyıl Osmanlı-Habsburg Sınır İlişkileri, Kleinkrieg ve Mikro-Diplomasi

This study will deal with the Ottoman-Habsburg border relations in the first half of the seventeenth century by focusing on a series of private letters exchanged between the Pashas of Buda and their equivalents in Habsburg civil service. These documents were preserved in the archives of Palatin Esterhazy and published by the Hungarian scholar, Fekete Lajos. These private communications focus on cross-border problems concerning both states where the mutual efforts for their settlement provided a background for the formation of cross-border cooperation networks. Some of these letters will be analyzed in conjunction with the concept of “micro-diplomacy.” These sub-state networks run parallel and complementary to the state-level diplomatic relations. It was a constant diplomatic communication process that was based on bilateral relations between provincial state bureaucrats. Ottoman diplomatic activity before Karlowitz is generally accepted as ad hoc, that is, without any plan, and lacking a professional diplomatic corps until the establishment of permanent diplomatic missions. These documents reveal that Ottoman provincial bureaucracy was engaged in a permanent and concentrated diplomatic activity in the first half of the seventeenth century, which required a reexamination of the abovementioned framework.


Yeniçağ’da Osmanlı-Habsburg sınır ilişkileri bağlamında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda mikro diploması
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This study will deal with the Ottoman-Habsburg border relations in the first half of the seventeenth century by focusing on a series of private letters exchanged between the Pashas of Buda and their equivalents in Habsburg civil service. These documents were preserved in the archives of Palatin Esterhazy and published by the Hungarian scholar, Fekete Lajos. These private communications focus on cross-border problems concerning both states where the mutual efforts for their settlement provided a background f...
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Non Muslim minorities and Turkish national identity : a research through Armenian and Greek literary works
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Citation Formats
G. Tülüveli, Seventeenth-Century Ottoman-Habsburg Border Relations, Kleinkrieg and Micro-Diplomacy /Onyedinci Yüzyıl Osmanlı-Habsburg Sınır İlişkileri, Kleinkrieg ve Mikro-Diplomasi. 2019, p. 140.