Psychology and counseling in Turkey.



Psychology and Literature.
Birlik, Nurten (null, 2019-01-01)
Psychology education in Turkey: Rapid Growth and Slow Transformation
Sümer, Nebi (2016-07-01)
Psychology and the search for certainty in everyday life
Onaylı, Selin; Barutçu Yıldırım, Kadriye Funda (2013-01-01)
Psychology on the axis of epistemology.
Düzen, N. Ekrem; Ergüden, Akın; Department of Philosophy (1996)
Counseling in Turkey: An Evolving Field
STOCKTON, REX; Güneri, Oya (2011-01-01)
This article provides a brief history of counseling and addresses the current issues and future trends of counseling in Turkey. Special emphasis is placed on the factors that impede the development of school counseling as a discipline.
Citation Formats
D. Canel Çınarbaş, “Psychology and counseling in Turkey.,” 2003, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: