Interactive mean variance covariance optimization for two responses

Özateş, Melis
Köksal, Gülser
Köksalan, Mustafa Murat
Informs Annual Meeting (1 - 4 Kasım 2015)


Interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization for quasi-concave preference functions
Fowler, John W.; Gel, Esma S.; Köksalan, Mustafa Murat; Korhonen, Pekka; Marquis, Jon L.; Wallenius, Jyrki (2010-10-16)
We present a new hybrid approach to interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization that uses a partial preference order to act as the fitness function in a customized genetic algorithm. We periodically send solutions to the decision maker (DM) for her evaluation and use the resulting preference information to form preference cones consisting of inferior solutions. The cones allow its to implicitly rank solutions that the DM has not considered. This technique avoids assuming an exact form for the pref...
Interactive outranking approaches for multicriteria decision-making problems with imprecise information
Özerol, G; Karasakal, Esra (Informa UK Limited, 2008-9)
PROMETHEE is a powerful method, which can solve many multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problems. It involves sophisticated preference modelling techniques but requires too much a priori precise information about parameter values (such as criterion weights and thresholds). In this paper, we consider a MCDM problem where alternatives are evaluated on several conflicting criteria, and the criterion weights and/or thresholds are imprecise or unknown to the decision maker (DM). We build robust outranking ...
Interactive Two Response Design Parameter Optimization Considering Prediction Errors and the Specification Region
Özateş Gürbüz, Melis; Köksal, Gülser; Köksalan, Murat (2019-10-20)
Interactive and nonparametric modeling of preferences on an ordinal scale using small data
Erişkin, Levent; Köksal, Gülser; Department of Industrial Engineering (2014)
In this study, we consider learning preference structure of a Decision Maker (DM). Many preference modeling problems in a variety of fields such as marketing, quality control and economics, involve possibly interacting criteria, and an ordinal scale is used to express preference of objects. In these cases, typically underlying preference structure of the DM and distribution of criteria values are not known, and only a few data can be collected about the preferences of the DM. For developing a preference mod...
Interactive and nonparametric modeling of preferences on an ordinal scale using small data
Erişkin, Levent; Köksal, Gülser (2016-12-15)
In this study, we consider learning preference structure of a Decision Maker (DM). Many preference modeling problems in a variety of fields such as marketing, quality control and economics involve possibly interacting criteria, and an ordinal scale is used to express preference of objects. In these cases, typically underlying preference structure of the DM and distribution of criteria values are not known, and only a few data can be collected about the preferences of the DM.
Citation Formats
M. Özateş, G. Köksal, and M. M. Köksalan, “Interactive mean variance covariance optimization for two responses,” presented at the Informs Annual Meeting (1 - 4 Kasım 2015), 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: