Housing Affordability Index Calculation Integrating Income Inequality in Turkey

Aşici, Mehmet
Özdemir, Özlem
Hepşen, Ali


Housing affordability of different income groups in turkey: regional comparison
Aksoy, Esma; Özdemir Sarı, Özgül Burcu; Department of City and Regional Planning (2017)
Housing affordability has been a major topic of interest both for researchers and policy makers in many countries. However, in the Turkish case, research on housing affordability is scarce. The problem of housing has usually been considered as a quantitative deficiency problem in Turkey, and for many decades any other dimension of the problem is neglected. Increasing the housing stock in numbers has always been given priority by the Turkish governments. This tendency to support new housing production has co...
Housing affordability problem and a computer aided affordability analysis concerning the low income groups in Turkey
Karabay, Işıl; Balamir, Murat; Department of City Planning (1993)
Housing finance in Turkey : The Role of Housing Loans Extended by Commercial Banks
Aydın, Şadiye; Şengül, Hüseyin Tarık; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2006)
With the 1980s, as a result of economic and financial deregulation policies, housing finance systems in most countries have had great transformations and have become market-oriented. Recently, in Turkey, a draft law was submitted to the parliament which can be regarded as an attempt to integrate housing finance to capital markets through the establishment of secondary market for housing loans extended by commercial banks. In this thesis, it is aimed to evaluate the role of housing loans extended by commerci...
Hollanda’da Konut Politikaları ve İpotekli Kredi Sistemi
Sarıoğlu, G. Pelin (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2007-6-01)
Hollanda’da, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası başlatılan sosyal konut politikası 1990’lara kadar yaygın olarak devam ettirilmiş ve ülke, sosyal konut açısından Avrupa’daki en büyük stoklardan birine sahip olmuştur.Hollanda, son dönemde Türkiye’de çok tartışılan ipotekli kredi konusunda da oturmuş ve oldukça çeşitlenmiş bir finansman sistemine sahiptir.Makalenin ilk bölümünde Hollanda’daki konut politikalarıyla ilgili kısa bir tarihçe verilmekte, ardından da sistemdeki ana aktörler (konut birlikleri, belediyeler ...
Citation Formats
M. Aşici, Ö. Özdemir, and A. Hepşen, “Housing Affordability Index Calculation Integrating Income Inequality in Turkey,” The Empirical Economics Letters, pp. 30–60, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-10-number-4.htm.