Looking for gender in the professional narratives of industrial designers in Turkey



Searching for a Balance Between Community Needs and Conservation Policies in Historic Neighbourhoods of Istanbul
Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge (2010-01-01)
Despite the recent rising interest in sustainability and community-related issues among urban regeneration policy-makers, it is still questionable how far the recent regeneration efforts in historic housing areas achieve a balance between the community needs and conservation policies. To answer this question, this article explores the interplay between conservation, community needs and sustainability in the context of Turkey, focusing on Istanbul. It premises on the assumption that finding the balance betwe...
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TURAN, DİLEK; ANTONOVA ÜNLÜ, ELENA; Sağın Şimşek, Sultan Çiğdem; Akkus, Mehmet (SAGE Publications, 2020-05-26)
Aims and objectives/purpose/research questions:
Searching for the roles of place-makers in valuing heritage: Cases from China.
Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge (2016-11-09)
Searching for the avant-garde in the Turkish context: bacteriology and chemistry building of Hıfzısıhha Enstitüsü
Kılınç, Kıvanç; Sargın, Arif Güven; Department of Architecture (2002)
Citation Formats
P. Kaygan, “Looking for gender in the professional narratives of industrial designers in Turkey,” 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/84107.