Pronoun resolution in Turkish Transfer-of-Possession Verbs



Pronominal anaphora resolution in Turkish and English
Ertan, Melek; Zeyrek Bozşahin, Deniz; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2023-1-27)
This research analyzes pronominal anaphora in a Turkish and English translated TED corpus, namely the TED-MDB (Zeyrek et al., 2020) and presents a heuristic-based resolution algorithm for resolving pronominal anaphora in these languages separately. The corpus has characteristics of spoken language and has 364 English sentences aligned with their Turkish counterparts. The research is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the data was annotated using a web-based annotation tool INcePTION (Klie et al., ...
Diacritics correction in Turkish with context-aware sequence to sequence modeling
Köksal, Asiye Tuba; Bozal, Özge; Özge, Umut (2022-1-01)
Digital texts in many languages have examples of missing or misused diacritics which makes it hard for natural language processing applications to disambiguate the meaning of words. Therefore, diacritics restoration is a crucial step in natural language processing applications for many languages. In this study we approach this problem as bidirectional transformation of diacritical letters and their ASCII counterparts, rather than unidirectional diacritic restoration. We propose a context-aware character-lev...
Inferrable and Partitive Indefinites in Topic Position
Özge, Umut (null; 2017-03-10)
Semantic/pragmatic processing in turkish propositionalattitude verbs: the case of "zannet"
Albayrak, Samet; Özge, Umut; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2019)
This thesis investigated the Theory of Mind (ability to infer mental states) in a verbal medium. In addition to that, some propositional attitude verbs that are used for providing such a medium are investigated semantically and pragmatically. Evaluated verbs were bil (know), düşün (think), and zannet (~falsely-believe). These verbs are used for creating a paradigm where speaker's beliefs are encoded in the utterance, and participants were expected to predict emotional responses to given situations using the...
Lexical and Syntactical Analysis of Passives, Ergatives and Middles in Turkish, Russian and English
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2003-01-01)
Bu makalede Türkçe, Rusça ve ingilizce'de Özişlevsel ve Şahıssız Genel yapıların, Keyser ve Raeper'in savundukları gibi, sözcüksel değil, sözdizimsel olduğu tezi öne sürülmektedir. Tezi desteklemek amacıyla her üç dilde Özne Yükselten Edilgen, Uyumsuz Çift Edilgen ve Mastar sal Çift Edilgen yapılar incelenmiştir.
Citation Formats
D. Özge, A. Kesici, and E. Köse, “Pronoun resolution in Turkish Transfer-of-Possession Verbs,” presented at the 2nd International Conference Prominence in Language (2018), Köln, Almanya, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: