Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World A Historical Encyclopedia



Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World Historical Encylopedia
Çelik, Birten (ABC-CLIO, Inc., 2011-01-01)
Conflict and negotiation in Turkish cultutre: a qualitative study
Mamatoğlu, Nihal; Tasa, Hande; Gençtürk, Başak (null; 2017-05-30)
Conflict and cooperation in Turkey-Iran relations: 1989-2001
Sinkaya, Bayram; Bölükbaşıoğlu, Süha; Department of International Relations (2004)
This study sought to answer why conflict in Turkey-Iran relations increased in the covered period, considering 6relatively- smooth relations between Turkey and Iran in the 1980s, and thermidorizing of Iran in the 1990s. Indeed, ideology has had an important place in bilateral relations between Iran and Turkey for a long time. Ideological factors constituted the immediate reasons for conflict between Turkey and Iran in the 1990s as well. However, ideological differences between the two countries did not caus...
Conflict and cooperation: Syria-United States Relations Through 1970-2011
Tığrak, Fatih; Tür Küçükkaya, Özlem; Department of Middle East Studies (2012)
This thesis analyzes the dynamics of bilateral relationship between the United States of America and Syrian Arab Republic from Hafez Asad’s grasp of power in 1970 to the latest domestic uprising of 2011. The relationship will be considered under three main vectors; struggle over Lebanon, tensions regarding peace process and Israel, and rogue statehood of Syria attributed by the United States. .
Conflict and mutual continuity between locality and modernism: Nordic architecture as a case study
Sancar, Erkut; Güzer, Celal Abdi; Department of Architecture (2015)
This thesis focuses on the idea that modernism and locality are not the opposed ends, in fact they are compatible and inseparable concepts which survive within each other. According to this thought both preservation of local differences and progressive development is possible. This thesis is structured in three chapters in order to express the main idea in detail. First, despite the plurality of different expressions within modernism, the oversimplification of a broad concept to a single formalist style and...
Citation Formats
T. Ünlü Bilgiç, Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World A Historical Encyclopedia. 2011.