Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World Historical Encylopedia



Secession and fragmentation in tevhidi islamic communities: believing subject vs. believing community
Çapık, Kenan; Yıldırım, Erdoğan; Department of Sociology (2014)
This thesis aims to descriptively analyze islamist communities/NGO’s in Ankara with respect to how they construct their religious identity and we-and-others dichotomy and to understand the theoretical and practical reasons of secession and fragmentation among islamist groups and NGO’s which have been widespread since the blossoming of Islamism in Turkey. On the background I will be questioning whether Islamism intrinsically carries an exclusionist and dichotomist discourse. The study also aims to shed light...
Roman urban space framed by colonnades : mediating between myth, memory and history in Ephesus
Yoncacı, Pelin; Güven, Suna Naziyet; Department of History of Architecture (2006)
A multi-layered analysis on the morphological development of Ephesus in relation to the Temple of Artemis and an investigative wandering through the streets of this city in the era of Roman Empire highlights this thesis characterized by a consistent search for the significance of the notion of “urban armature.” From the standpoint of those who lived at that time, special attention is directed toward the colonnaded avenues as well as to their formal and social impacts within the city fabric. The thesis re-re...
The ottoman ulema group and state of practicing “kaza” authority during the 18th century
Gündoğdu, İsmail; Karal Akgün, Seçil; Department of History (2009)
In this study, it is aimed to analyze the learned (ilmiye) group that was important part of the military class of the Ottoman Empire and the ilmiye group had three important members. They were judges (kadis), professors (müderrises) and muftis (müftüs) and they were analyzed from the beginning to the end of the career line as a dynamic process. Due to the vast nature of the subject, one needed to delimit the research in terms of time and space. In that regard, it was chosen the 18th century and the district...
Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World A Historical Encyclopedia
Ünlü Bilgiç, Tuba (ABC-CLIO, 2011-01-01)
The Turkish appetite for gold: An Islamic explanation
Gülseven, Osman; Ekici, Ozgun (2016-06-01)
A significant constituent of household wealth in Turkey is gold. Families accumulate gold especially on a variety of cultural occasions such as female-only gold days, circumcision feasts, and engagement and wedding ceremonies. This paper attempts to explain the gold appetite of Turkish households with a rational approach, although still rooted in culture. Many people in Turkey view "earning interest on money" as a transgression of Islamic rules and avoid investing their savings in fixed-income investment in...
Citation Formats
B. Çelik, Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World Historical Encylopedia. 2011, p. 508.