Experimental Observations of Dynamic Delamination in Curved [0] and [0/90] Composite Laminates

Uyar, Imren
Arca, Miray
Gozluklu, Burak
Çöker, Demirkan
Curved composite parts are increasingly replacing metal ribs and box structures in recent civil aerospace structures and wind turbine blades. Delamination of L-shaped composite laminates occurs by interlaminar opening stresses in addition to the interlaminar shear stresses at the curved region. An experimental setup is designed to investigate dynamic delamination in L-shaped composite brackets under quasi static shear loading. The materials are unidirectional [0]17and cross-ply [0/90]17 epoxy/graphite composite laminates. The load displacement curves are recorded and subsequent dynamic delamination is captured with a million fps high speed camera. The failed specimens are analyzed under a microscope. It is seen that layup differences change the failure mechanism in composites. Multiple delaminations in one load drop are observed in failure of unidirectional laminate whereas sequential delamination at each discrete load drop is seen in cross ply laminates. In the [0] laminate single delamination in the center ply followed by symmetric delamination nucleations around the two crack tips are observed. In the 0/90 cross-ply laminate, multiple load drops are recorded and delaminations start near the inner radius by peeling of 0/90 plies sequentially at each load drop. In both layups, first time observation of intersonic delamination speeds up to 2,200 m/s are made.


Experimental Observations of Dynamic Delamination in Curved [0] and [0/90] Composite Laminates
Uyar, İmren; Arca, Miray; Gozluklu, Burak; Çöker, Demirkan (2015-01-01)
Curved composite parts are increasingly replacing metal ribs and box structures in recent civil aerospace structures and wind turbine blades. Delamination of L-shaped composite laminates occurs by interlaminar opening stresses in addition to the interlaminar shear stresses at the curved region. An experimental setup is designed to investigate dynamic delamination in L-shaped composite brackets under quasi static shear loading. The materials are unidirectional [0]17and cross-ply [0/90]17 epoxy/graphite compo...
Yavas, Denizhan; Uyar, Imren; Gozluklu, Burak; Çöker, Demirkan (2012-11-15)
L-shaped composite structures are increasingly replacing metal ribs and box structures especially in recent civil aerospace structures and wind turbine blades. De lamination of these L-shaped composite laminates occur by interlaminar opening stresses at the curved region under perpendicular loading to one arm. In this study, delamination at the curved region is studied experimentally and computationally by using a simplified model material consisting of two L-shaped polycarbonate plates bonded together. The...
Experimental investigation of failure mechanism in cross-ply and fabric curved composite laminates
Çevik, Ahmet; Çöker, Demirkan; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2021-8)
Laminated curved-shape composite parts which are used in the spar and ribs in aircraft and wind turbine blades are subjected to high interlaminar tensile and shear stresses. These stresses cause delamination and subsequent reduction in load-carrying capacity. In this study, failure mechanism of cross-ply and fabric curved composite laminates under pure transverse loading are examined experimentally using an in-house designed test fixture. Stress field over the curved beam is obtained with finite element ana...
Experimental Investigation of Strength of Curved Beam by Thin Ply Non-Crimp Fabric Laminates
Arca, M. A.; PAPİLA, MELİH; Çöker, Demirkan (2016-06-09)
Resistance against delamination failure and through the thickness tensile properties of curved carbon fiber reinforced plastics composites are investigated experimentally by conducting the curved beam strength tests. Effect of novel material thin ply non crimp fabric (NCF) architecture on delamination resistance of carbon fiber reinforced composites are investigated and compare with that of standard UD layups. In order to determine through the thickness tensile properties of curved carbon fiber composites, ...
Experimental investigation of the effect of CNT addition on the strength of CFRP curved composite beams
Arca, M.A.; Uyar, I.; Çöker, Demirkan (2015-01-01)
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been attracting attention as a toughening material in composite matrix due to their excellent mechanical properties. However, superior properties of CNTs have not yet been realized in the strengthening of composites against fracture. This study focuses on investigating the effect of CNT variation in the epoxy resin on the strength of curved composite beams. Specimens are [0/90] fabric carbon/epoxy composite laminates manufactured by hand layup technique 3 % wt CNT fractions in th...
Citation Formats
I. Uyar, M. Arca, B. Gozluklu, and D. Çöker, Experimental Observations of Dynamic Delamination in Curved [0] and [0/90] Composite Laminates. 2015, p. 196.