The Effect of Microfluidization Process on Morphology of Legume Flours based NanofibersProduced by Electrospinning Method

Oğuz, Seren


The Effect of Microfluidization Process on Morphology of Legume Flours based NanofibersProduced by Electrospinning Method
Oğuz, Seren (2019-11-11)
The Effect of Microfluidization Process on Morphology of Legume Flours based NanofibersProduced by Electrospinning Method
Oğuz, Seren (null; 2019-11-11)
Electrospinning is a process that produces continuous nanofibers through the action of an electric field imposed on a polymer solution. Microfluidization is one of advanced homogenization methods. In this study, it was aimed to produce legume flour based homogeneous nanofibers by electrospinning. The effects of flour concentration and poly(ethylene) oxide (PEO) concentration on nanofiber morphology were discussed. The effect of microfluidization process on apparent viscosity, electrical conductivity and nan...
The Effect of Microfluidization Process on Morphology of Legume Flours based NanofibersProduced by Electrospinning Method
Oğuz, Seren (2019-11-11)
The Effect of Microfluidization Process on Morphology of Legume Flours based NanofibersProduced by Electrospinning Method
Oğuz, Seren (2019-11-11)
The Effect of Microfluidization Process on Morphology of Legume Flours based NanofibersProduced by Electrospinning Method
Oğuz, Seren (2019-11-11)
Citation Formats
S. Oğuz, “The Effect of Microfluidization Process on Morphology of Legume Flours based NanofibersProduced by Electrospinning Method,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: