Power and Culture: Hegemony, Interaction and Dissent



Power and decline in the British and American hegemonies: a Wallersteinian analysis
Koçak, Yunus Emre; Tayfur, Mehmet Fatih; Department of International Relations (2006)
The concept of hegemony has been an important subject in the 1970s as the US hegemonic position has entered into a decline period. This study aims to underline that the ongoing decline of US hegemony shares substantial analogies with the decline of British hegemony in the late 19th century. As the hegemonic economy enters into contraction period, it starts to experience financial expansion. Today, the US hegemony is in the midst of such an orientation toward the financialization. The study analyzes the hist...
Power, Judgment and Political Evil: In Conversation with Hannah Arendt
Kara, Onur (2011-09-01)
Power and national identity in the formation of islamabad and its capitol complex
Sarshar, Saboohi; Basa, İnci; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2016)
This thesis is an attempt to understand the concept of power and national identity concerning the urban form and architecture of Pakistan’s capital city, Islamabad. Power is more than just a coercive ability. According to Michel Foucault, power mechanisms through the normative process of order, discipline and organization affect social constructs. Through this channel, power reflects in the city’s physical form. Identity is a formalization of these social constructs. In WWII’s aftermath, many capital cities...
Power, Energy, and the Society of Individuality in J. S. Mill's "On Liberty"
Grıffıth, James Edmond Carr (2023-01-01)
I begin, haltingly, and the individual begins, for John Stuart Mill, with an impulse. My impulse, in terms of Mill, is to ask after power and energy in hisOn Liberty. There, impulses are desires and those of the “Strong” variety are synonymous with energy (Mill 2002, p. 62). An individual with their own impulses has character and one with strong impulses governed by a strong will has energetic character. One without them has no character. I begin haltingly, in part, because, insofar as my impulse is directe...
Power and Meaning Making in an EAP Classroom: Engaging with the Everyday
Yigitoglu, Nur (2016-04-01)
Citation Formats
A. U. Peker, Power and Culture: Hegemony, Interaction and Dissent. 2006.