Value Management Approach for the Design Choice and Material Selection Process of Mass Housing Projects

International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications


Value analysis an alternative process for architectural design.
Yurdadoğan, Mehmet Hakan; Department of Architecture (1983)
Value engineering approach and its application to transportation projects in Turkey
Kabo, Tarek Ali Galal; İnal, Ayhan; Department of Civil Engineering (1994)
Value-based risk management in defense projects pricing with a robust optimization approach
Aker, Kerime Özge; Meral, Fatma Sedef; Department of Industrial Engineering (2015)
In this study, we address the bid pricing problem of a defense company facing with supply chain and financial risks due to long-term project planning. Creating shareholder value has become a quite popular topic in business as value-adding companies are the only ones to survive in the market. We formulate the problem as a value-based performance and risk management model through robust optimization approach in order to cope with various ambiguities over project lifecycle with possible discrete scenario set. ...
Value assessment for defining the conservation principles for Kayseri Sümerbank Bez Fabrikası
Eldek, Hikmet; Gökce, Fuat; Restoration in Department of Architecture (2007)
Conservation of industrial heritage is a very popular issue in last years. But this conservation studies are not adequate so a lot of industrial complexes which effected architectural features of industrial buildings, style of producing, production and economic history and social life of citizens, are face to face with being demolished. These complexes should be preserved and inherited to the next generations. One of these complexes is Kayseri Sumerbank Bez Fabrikası which was established in Early Republica...
Value assessment for cotton-based industrial heritage in Adana
Aynal Arcı, Elvan; Özgönül, Nimet; Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Department of Architecture (2019)
The cotton-based industrial sites that effected urban development of Adana since the middle of the 19th century, were being persisted in the city center due to the extension of the urban area. Vast majority of cotton-based industry sites, that varying types of production occurred, having diverse area sizes and locations, and built in different periods, were ceased production or/and demolished. The three of the current sites were registered as cultural property and only one of them is being conserved. These ...
Citation Formats
M. T. Birgönül, “Value Management Approach for the Design Choice and Material Selection Process of Mass Housing Projects,” International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, pp. 0–0, 1995, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: