Computer aided shadowing effect analysis of buildings

Atabek, Ece


Computer aided heat load calculation of buildings
Tekin, Yusuf; Kılkış, Birol; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1987)
Computer aided design of horizontal and vertical alignments in highways
Karadağ, Ahmet Doğan; İnal, Ayhan; Department of Civil Engineering (1990)
Computer aided analysis of flow through river bridges
Yanmaz, Ali Melih (null; 2001-05-20)
The major failure mode of a bridge results mainly from hydraulic deficiencies in the design. Flow conditions through bridge openings should be investigated to observe the degree of hydraulic conformity for the given structural system. A computer program is developed to carry out hydraulic and structural computations jointly for bridges crossing rivers having irregular cross-sections with flood plains. The program has analysis and design options. In the analysis part of the program, steady state water surfac...
Computer aided evaluation of dynamic performance of gear trains
Sarıaydın, Ekrem; Filiz, Hüseyin; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1992)
Computer assisted analysis of flow over spillway chutes
Kıranoğlu, Meriç; Yanmaz, A. Melih.; Department of Civil Engineering (2019)
In this study, a literature review is conducted in terms of assumptions, approaches, and various calculation methods used for the analysis of flow over conventional and stepped type spillways. In guidance of this review, a software is developed to perform such analyses with the set of given data by the user, and display results with some tables and figures. To this end, water surface profile over the spillway face is determined considering air entrainment process, pressure distribution over the crest under ...
Citation Formats
E. Atabek, “Computer aided shadowing effect analysis of buildings,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.