Investigation on Hydrodynamic Flow Conditions at the Manavgat River Mouth in Combined Flooding of River Surface Runoff and Storm Surge

Demirci, Ebru
Baykal, Cüneyt
Özyurt, Gülizar
Söğüt, Erdinç
55th Conference of Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 6 - 09 Eylül 2015


Investigation into the effect of meteorological parameters on the airborne dust concentration at Ovacık open pit gold mine
Esenkaya, Ercan; Bilgin, Hasan Aydın; Department of Mining Engineering (2004)
In this thesis, it is aimed to investigate and analyze the effect of meteorological conditions on airborne dust measured at Ovacik Open Pit Gold Mine. Meteorological data must be sound and reliable which are used mainly to design an air model to predict the effect of industrial sites on air quality during production. Wind speed, wind direction, airtemperature, air pressure, relative humidity, rainfall, evaporation and sunshine. are the parameters investigated in this study. In the thesis, the meteorological...
Investigation of methane production potential of industrial sludges mixed with domestic sludge during anaerobic digestion
Aksu Bahçeci, Hazal; Sanin, F. Dilek.; Department of Environmental Engineering (2019)
Anaerobic digestion has been established as a sludge stabilization and biogas production method for domestic sludge. However, anaerobic digestion has limited success in industrial sludge applications. In this thesis sludge from two different Organized Industrial Districts (OIDs) and textile industry are mixed with urban wastewater sludge with and without ultrasound pretreatment to investigate their energy production potential by using BMP tests. Sludges were digested alone (A for industrial, D for domestic ...
Investigation of subsynchronous resonance risk in the 380 kv Turkish electric network
Ozay, N.; Güven, Ali Nezih (null; 1988-12-01)
Subsynchronous resonance (SSR) occurs when a resonant frequency of a series compensated transmission system interacts with a natural frequency of the turbine prime mover. This form of SSR is referred to as torsional interaction which, under certain conditions, may become self-excited and cause serious damage to electrical equipment and turbine shafts. The presence of a thermal power plant (Kangal) in the close vicinity of a group of series capacitors in Eastern Turkey necessitated a careful investigation of...
Investigation of subsynchronous resonance risk in the 380 kV Turkish electric network
Coşkun, Yiğit; Güven, Nezih; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1990)
Investigation of light attenuation in Lake Eymir
Atiker, Selen; Aksoy, Ayşegül; Sanin, Selim; Department of Environmental Engineering (2012)
Light penetration and attenuation has significant impact on the water quality of lakes. Algal activity, which is important for the levels of several water quality parameters, is dependent on light penetration besides availability of nutrients. In this study, change in light penetration and attenuation in Lake Eymir was studied. The relationships of extinction coefficient (ke), and water quality parameters were investigated. The effect of ke on Chl-a over nutrients were investigated. The water quality parame...
Citation Formats
E. Demirci, C. Baykal, G. Özyurt, and E. Söğüt, “Investigation on Hydrodynamic Flow Conditions at the Manavgat River Mouth in Combined Flooding of River Surface Runoff and Storm Surge,” presented at the 55th Conference of Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, 6 - 09 Eylül 2015, Londra, İngiltere, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: