Grammatical Competence in Exam Writing and Take Home Assignments and Students Views

Aytaç, Kadriye
Gürbüz, Nurdan


Grammatical Competence in Exam Writing and Take Home Assignments
Aytaç, Kadriye; Gürbüz, Nurdan (null; 2018-09-03)
Grammatical relations and word order ın Turkish Sign Language (TİD)
Sevinç, Ayça Müge; Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2006)
This thesis aims at investigating the grammatical relations in Turkish Sign Language (TİD). For this aim, word order, nominal morphology, and agreement morphology of verbs are examined. TİD lacks morphological case, but it has a very rich pronominal system like other sign languages. Verbs are classified according to their morphosyntactic features. With this classification, we can observe the effect of word order and agreement morphology on the grammatical relations. Combinatory Categorial Grammar as a lexic...
Spelling errors in writings of upper intermediate foreign learners of english: theory and a quantitative analysis
Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M. (2001-07-01)
Bu çalışma Türk öğrencilerin yaptığı İngilizce yazım hatalarından oluşan bir bütüncenin niceliksel bir analizini yapmaktadır. Çalışma, anadili İngilizce olanların yaptığı yazım hatalarına dayalı bir analizin ortaya koyduğu sorunlar ve bu çalışma ile daha önceki bir çalışmanın bulgularının kuramsal önemi üzerine odaklaşmaktadır. Çalışmada, yazım hatalarına ilişkin kuramsal bir arka plan incelemesini, İngilizceleri orta-üst düzeydeki öğrencilerin yaptığı yazım hatalarının niceliksel bir analizi izlemektedir. ...
Linguistic dimension of plastic arts: the names or lack of names of artworks
Karael, Burcu; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2019)
In this thesis, I investigate the linguistic dimension of plastic artworks focusing on their names. My analysis of names follows Ludwig Wittgenstein’s arguments in his books Tractatus Logico Philosopicus and Philosophical Investigations; and Martin Heidegger’s views on work of art and world play a complementary role. The “tension” between the image and the word is the main focus throughout this study.
Linguistic Reflections on Psychotherapy: Change in Usage of The First Person Pronoun in Information Structure Positions
Demiray, Cigdem Kose; Gençöz, Tülin (2018-08-01)
Aim of present study was to understand changes in speech of clients with regard to certain linguistic features from 5th to 15th session of psychotherapy. First person pronoun use in information structure positions were analyzed in speech of clients. Participants of this study were 11 psychotherapists (clinical psychology master and doctorate students) and 16 clients (applicants to AYNA Psychotherapy Unit). In present study word count results of clinets' speeches were analyzed by ANOVA method. According to r...
Citation Formats
K. Aytaç and N. Gürbüz, “Grammatical Competence in Exam Writing and Take Home Assignments and Students Views,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: