The Turkish Model and Democratization in the Middle East

Arab Studies Quarterly


The network governance approach and the activities of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Turkey
Kurt, Ömür; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2008)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the activities of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, one of the German political foundations in Turkey, within the context of the network governance approach. Several tools within this approach are used as heuristic devices to elaborate the relationships of the KAS in the Turkish political terrain. Among these tools, the concept of informality provides a crucial insight to explore the activities of the KAS. This thesis argues that the weight of informal, non-governmental me...
The Institutionalization of Islam in Europe and the Diyanet The Case of Austria
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2013-01-01)
The management of religious diversity has become one of the most significant issues facing European societies in the last few decades. The increasing use of religion as an instrument of immigration policies in Europe since the late 1980s has led to various trajectories of institutionalization of Islam in European countries. In an increasing number of cases, institutionalization of Islam entails, among other things, the establishment of Muslim representative institutions. On the other hand, as it has transfo...
The political economy of peace processes and the women, peace and security agenda
Erturk, Yakin (Informa UK Limited, 2020-07-01)
This article examines why the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda has been so challenging to implement and argues that the political economy of war and peace, driven by a complex network of power, is a deterrent to sustainable and gender-just peace. However, peace initiatives are not a zero-sum game. They are dialectical, offering possibilities for both regressive and transformative change. Although inclusion of women and gender concerns in current peace processes lags behind expectations, the WPS agenda...
The glorification of civil society: international debates and Turkish reflections
Arıner, Hakkı Onur; Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar; Department of International Relations (2006)
This thesis aims to problematize the assumptions behind the glorification of civil society as a new and progressive actor in politics along with their political and ideological implications. It is argued that the assumptions behind the glorification of civil society are conceptually misleading and politically disabling. The portrayal of “civil society” or “global civil society” as a homogenous as well as inherently democratic and peaceful sphere that is opposed to an equally homogenous power-seeking state h...
The Idea of European integration within a historical perspective
Türk, Özlem; Eralp, Atila; Department of International Relations (1997)