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Revealing plio-pleistocene terrestrial-marine environmental transititons in Southwestern Anatolia by using magnetostratigraphy: first observations from Datça graben
İnce, Meryem Dilan
Tosun, Levent
Uzel, Bora
Langereıs, Cor
Kaymakcı, Nuretdin
Özkaymak, Çağlar
Stoıca, Marıous
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In this study, it was aimed to show the Plio-Quaternary terrestrial and marine sediments deposited in the coasts of Southwestern Anatolia and the tectonic and global origin of those units that reveal the sea level changes by using integrated stratigraphic and structural geologic data. This stıdy comprise the results of the first data conducted in Datça, Bodrum, Söke and Germencik areas are selected in the scope of this study. In this presentation, first observations from Datça area will be discussed. The NW-SE trending Datça graben which is a depression field located in the central part of the Datça Peninsula, is 12 km long and 5 km wide filled with terrestrial and marine sediments and is bounded in the north by the Kızlan fault and by series of normal faults oriented in N-S direction. For the kinematic analyses, 859 silickenline data are collected from 31 observation points, which are located in the northern side of the graben, and they are analyzed according to Angelier Paleostress Inversion technique. The first observations show that the northern part of the basin is experienced almost N-S extension. Faults with strike slip components are also observed at some locations resulted by strike slip fault tectonism of the region. Magnetostratigraphy technique is used in order to date the Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary rocks in the Datca graben. In the scope of this work, magnetostratigraphic samples were collected from the sites which includes sedimentary rocks deposited in Plio-Pleistocene time interval. At three different stratigraphic section, 344 sample were collected from 102 stratigraphic levels. The paleomagnetic analysis of the samples are conducted in Fort Hofddjik Paleomagnetism Laboratory, University of Utrecht. The magnetostratigraphic section is compared with the Global Polarity Time scale (GPTS) as a result of the analysis. In addition to the available age data, structural data and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) results that show the amount and orientation of the deformation will be compared. This research is supported by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) –Grant Number: 117R012.
Subject Keywords
Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility
Datça graben
Southwestern Anatolia
Paleostress analysis
Datça grabeni
Güneybatı Anadolu
Manyetik duyarlılık anizotropisi
Paleostres analizi
Conference Name
Uluslararası Katılımlı 72. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 28 Ocak–01 Şubat 2019
Department of Geological Engineering, Conference / Seminar
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Citation Formats
M. D. İnce et al., “Revealing plio-pleistocene terrestrial-marine environmental transititons in Southwestern Anatolia by using magnetostratigraphy: first observations from Datça graben,” Ankara, Türkiye, 2019, p. 518, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: