Çok Kriterli Sıralı Sınıflandırma için Matematiksel Programlama Tabanlı Bir Yöntem

Civelek, Merve
Karasakal, Esra


Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Problemlerinde Fayda Fonksiyonu Ağırlıklarının Tahmin Edilmesi için Matematiksel Model Temelli bir Yöntem
TUNCER ŞAKAR, CEREN; Yet, Barbaros (2018-04-01)
A basic issue in Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problems is to include the preferences of the decision maker (DM) in the problem solution process. Many MCDM methods assume that DM preferences can be modeled in the form of utility functions. The parameters of these functions represent varying priorities of different DMs about the problem. Several approaches in the literature assume that these parameters are already known or the DM can express them directly and correctly. The approaches developed to...
Çok Kriterli Gruplandırma Yöntemleri ile Türkiye’de İflas Eden Firmaların İncelenmesi
Özarslan, Derya; Özarslan, Ali (2016-05-10)
Mali başarısızlığın tespiti finansal analizin önemli meselesidir. Özellikle ekonomik çalkantı dönemlerinde şirketlerin gelecekteki finansal durumlarının ve başarısızlıklarının öngörülmesi açısından iflas riskinin değerlendirilmesi son yıllarda finans alanında temel araştırma konuları arasındadır. İflas riski şirketlerin borçlarını ödeme yükümlülüklerini yerine getirememesinden kaynaklanan risktir ve şirketlerin yeniden yapılanmasınaveya tasfiyesine neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ...
A Mathematical programming evaluation approach for multiple criteria sorting problems
Civelek, Merve; Karasakal, Esra; Department of Operational Research (2019)
Multiple criteria sorting problem is to assign alternatives, evaluated according to multiple criteria, into predefined preference ordered classes. In this study, a new distance metric based sorting method is developed to solve multiple criteria sorting problems without specifying class thresholds between preference-ordered classes. The aim of the proposed method is to assign each alternative to one class or a set of possible adjacent classes considering the distance to class centroids. In the proposed metho...
Information theoretic measure based interactive approaches to multi-criteria sorting problems
Özarslan, Ali; Karakaya, Gülşah; Department of Business Administration (2021-9)
In this thesis, we develop interactive approaches for sorting alternatives evaluated on multiple criteria. We assume that the preferences of the decision maker are consistent with an additive preference function in general monotone and piecewise linear forms. We progressively solve mathematical models to identify the possible category range of the alternatives and ask the decision maker to place an alternative in each iteration. Based on the mathematical models and Monte Carlo simulations, we hypothetically...
A DEA-based approach to ranking multi-criteria alternatives
Tuncer, Ceren; Köksalan, Murat; Department of Industrial Engineering (2006)
This thesis addresses the problem of ranking multi-criteria alternatives. A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)-based approach, the Method of the Area of the Efficiency Score Graph (AES) is proposed. Rather than assessing the alternatives with respect to the fixed original alternative set as done in the existing DEA-based ranking methods, AES considers the change in the efficiency scores of the alternatives while reducing the size of the alternative set. Producing a final score for each alternative that account...
Citation Formats
M. Civelek and E. Karasakal, “Çok Kriterli Sıralı Sınıflandırma için Matematiksel Programlama Tabanlı Bir Yöntem,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/87066.