Regional experiences and lessons learnt in fostering competition in regulated sectors focusing on the link between competition agencies and regulated bodies

Implementing Competition-related Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements: Is it possible to obtain development gains?, 30 November – 1 December 2006


Regional internationalization of Turkish higher education: Turkey's higher education policies towards Kosovo, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Köksal, Servet; Kondakçı, Yaşar; Department of Educational Sciences (2014)
This study aimed to investigate the scope of the educational relations between Turkey and the three Balkan countries, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to identify the expectations of these countries from Turkey and the rationales behind Turkey's practices realized towards these countries in a comparative perspective. In this regard, cross-border higher educational activities of Turkey were investigated under the concept of internationalization. The study was designed as a general qualitative st...
Expert views and local responses towards Iraqi Turkmen humanitarian refugees in Ankara, Turkey
Manap Kırmızıgül, Çiğdem; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Department of Sociology (2017)
This dissertation is based on the stories and perceptions of the local people about therefugees in their daily relationships in Ankara. With an aim to reveal the localpeople’s perspective about the refugees, the fieldwork of this study was carried out inAbidinpaşa District, where the population of Iraqi Turkmens is concentrated inAnkara. The local people’s perspectives about the refugees are analyzed based onSimmel’s concept of “stranger”, and relying on Park’s “marginal man”, Siu’s“sojourner”, and Bauman’s...
Network planning of walk-in clinics on roadsides in africa
Taymaz, Sine; İyigün, Cem; Bayındır, Zeynep Pelin; Department of Industrial Engineering (2013)
This study discusses the problem of finding the optimal location of “walk-in clinics” specialized in healthcare along the transportation lines that would enable maximum coverage along the roads for the mobile populations and their related local communities. As the mobile populations are flowing on the routes unremittingly, the problem differs from other location problems. Every member of the mobile population would require a specialized service for their diseases and needs to access these services in a cont...
Regional Internationalization in Higher Education between Turkey and The Balkans
Kondakçı, Yaşar; Bulut Şahin, Betül; Yılık, Mehmet Ali; Engin Demir, Cennet (2016-06-01)
Although English-speaking countries are still the main destination of international students, several regional hubs have emerged as new destinations for these students. The current incoming international student population suggests that Turkey is one of these newly emerging regional hubs. In particular, students from the Balkans choose Turkey as a destination for study abroad. The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate factors motivating students from Balkan countries to choose Turkey for study ab...
Common agricultural policy regionalised impact - the rural development dimension (CAPRI-RD)
Öcal, Nadir(2013-4-30)
The Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact – the Rural Development Dimension (CAPRI-RD) aims to develop and apply an operational, Pan-European tool including all Candidate and Potential Candidate countries to analyse the regional impacts of all policy measures under CAP Pillar I and II across a wide range of economic, social and environmental indicators, aligned with the CMEF. CAPRI-RD’s core contains consistently linked economic models at the NUTS 2 level, the CAPRI model for agriculture, and a new...
Citation Formats
G. Aşçıoğlu Öz, “Regional experiences and lessons learnt in fostering competition in regulated sectors focusing on the link between competition agencies and regulated bodies,” Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2006, p. 175, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: