Variation of the Young's modulus and the internal friction coefficient of beta brass with temperature.

Aşkın, Cahit


Variation of the molar volume with the temperature and the Pippard relations near the melting point in benzene
Tari, O.; Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (2016-08-01)
In this study, we calculate variation of the molar volume with the temperature at constant pressures (70.5, 85.2, 128 and 175.2 MPa) using the experimental data from the literature for the solid and liquid phases of benzene near the melting point. The calculated molar volume decreases in the solid phase as the temperature increases toward the melting temperature, whereas in the liquid phase just above the melting temperature it increases abruptly, as expected. By calculating the specific heat, thermal expan...
Variation of hardness and modulus across the thickness of Zr-Cu-Al metallic glass ribbons
Melgarejo, Z. Humberto; Jakes, J.E.; Hwang, J.; Kalay, Yunus Eren; Kramer, M.J.; Voyles, P.M.; Stone, D.S. (2013-01-01)
We investigate through-thickness hardness and modulus of Zr50Cu45Al5 metallic glass melt-spun ribbon. Because of their thinness, the ribbons are challenging to measure, so we employ a novel nanoindentation based-method to remove artifacts caused by ribbon flexing and edge effects. Hardness and modulus vary approximately linearly across the thickness but, unlike bulk ingots, the side of the ribbon that cooled most quickly had the highest hardness and modulus. This “inverse” variation may be caused by the fas...
Variation of the Raman frequency of a soft mode with the pressure (20 oC) for the phase transitions in NH4F
Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (null; 2016-04-21)
The Raman frequency of a soft mode (238 cm⁻¹) is analyzed as a function of pressure at 20 oC for NH4F using the experimental data from the literature. This analysis is performed for the pressure dependence of the Raman frequency shifts (1 / n )( ¶ n / ¶ P)T of the soft mode close to the I - III, III - V and V – VI transitions in NH4F. The frequency shifts increase as the pressure increases toward the phase transitions at T = 20 oC (293 K) in this ammonium structure. From the frequency shifts of the soft mod...
Variation of the elastic constants of tourmaline with chemical composition
Tatli, Ali; Galioğlu Özkan, Yeliz (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1987-2)
Elastic wave velocities and lattice parameters of five tourmaline specimens with different chemical compositions have been measured. The piezoelectric effects on the elastic constants have been found to be small and can be neglected. Variations of the elastic wave velocities and elastic constants of the different tourmaline specimens indicate that: (i) partial substitution of Al by Fe in the structure decreases the shear wave velocities, (ii) replacement of Na by Ca increases the resistance of the structure...
Variation of thermal conductance of composite structures by inclination.
Sertçelik, Yalçın; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1969)
Citation Formats
C. Aşkın, “Variation of the Young’s modulus and the internal friction coefficient of beta brass with temperature.,” Middle East Technical University, 1968.