Unearthing Gender: Folksongs of North India


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Throughout the Pahlavi era, the paradigm shift that took place in both the manifestation of high-culture and of state-feminism was not coincidental. They were both integral to the same ideological agenda: that of modernity itself. Both provided a concrete form of emerging political ideas under the two Pahlavi monarchs, Reza Shah and his successor Mohammad Reza Shah. And, both were instruments in promoting the state posture and acted in the service of the government. While both enjoyed imperial patronage, th...
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Bu çalışma steampunk estetiğinin endüstri sonrası dönemdeki mekânsal yansımalarını, 1990'lar sonrasında Fransa'nın Nantes kentindeki eski endüstriyel bölgelerin yeniden geliştirilmesi bağlamında, steampunk tema parkı Les Machines de l’île Nantes'ın (2007) estetik ve mimari özellikleriyle incelenmesi ile tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Endüstri sonrası bir estetik biçimi olan steampunk, 19. yüzyıl Victoria endüstrisi ve günümüz arasında paralellik çizerek tarih ve kurgu unsurlarını birleştirir. Geçmiş üzerinde sp...
Reworking ancient texts in contemporary mediterranean context: allegoric projection and utopic nostalgia in the works of Naguib Mahfouz and Pier Paolo Pasolini
Gündeş, Feridun; Özveren, Yaşar Eyüp; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2018)
This study explores how the use of ancient texts in modern works of art can shed light on the lives of subaltern people in the present time. Works chosen for analysis are Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini’s “Arabian Nights” and “Gospel According to St. Matthew”, and Egyptian novelist Naguip Mahfouz’s “Arabian Days and Nights” and “Children of the Alley”. In these, two artists have a common point of referring to, and borrowing from, the same ancient texts: The Biblical-Qur’anic narratives of Abrahamic rel...
Citation Formats
S. T. Jassal, “Unearthing Gender: Folksongs of North India,” Journal Of Asian Studies, pp. 1157–1158, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-asian-studies/article/unearthing-gender-folksongs-of-north-india-by-smita-tewari-jassal-durham-nc-duke-.