Review Article Unearthing Gender Folksongs of N.India



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Bahçecik, Şerif Onur (2021-10-01)
Review of FastTest: A Platform for Adaptive Testing
Sahin, Alper; Hurtado Grooscors, Hector Armando; Juan Gongora-Cortes, Jose;( Abstracts: Computerized adaptive tests (CATs) have received wider attention throughout the world in recent years mainly because they provide their users with higher precision in examinee ability estimation with less items by the help of the sound psychometric principals they are based on. The recent attention necessitates the need for platforms on which CATs can be developed, piloted and administered flawlessly. In this article, FastTest, a platform specifically designed to facilitate the development and delivery of CATs, will be reviewed. This review article begins by describing the functionality available in FastTest, with a focus on adaptive testing functionality and related psychometrics. Then, two examples of FastTest being used to develop and deliver CATs-which demonstrate that CAT is feasible for many organizations-will be discussed.; 2018-01-01)
Computerized adaptive tests (CATs) have received wider attention throughout the world in recent years mainly because they provide their users with higher precision in examinee ability estimation with less items by the help of the sound psychometric principals they are based on. The recent attention necessitates the need for platforms on which CATs can be developed, piloted and administered flawlessly. In this article, FastTest, a platform specifically designed to facilitate the development and delivery of C...
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Special issue on advances in three-dimensional television and video: Guest editorial
Gudukbay, Ugur; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın (Elsevier BV, 2009-01-01)
Citation Formats
S. T. Jassal, “Review Article Unearthing Gender Folksongs of N.India,” Anthropos, pp. 604–608, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: