Reason without sensitibility:a study on the problem of freedom in Kant's philosophy.

Orman, Enver


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Freedom in the social context: the positions of Aristotle and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Aytemir, Nesil; Ceylan, Yasin; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2018)
This thesis aims at examining and comparing the concept of freedom in the social context from the viewpoints of Aristotle (384–322 BC) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). In order to do that, Aristotle’s ideas on slavery, the position of women in city-state, freedom of citizens, and democracy are emphasized for his position; and Rousseau’s ideas on state of nature, social contract theory, and ideal education are stressed on for his position. As both Aristotle and Rousseau mainly seek for an ideal system ...
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Truth as a discursive object in architecture: communication through aesthetics in the post-truth era
Tanrıdağ, Sarp; Basa, İnci; Department of Architecture (2022-6)
One of the ways in which the post-truth era affects architecture is the question of communication and exchange. Architecture does not translate into tangible and objective forms with ease. The discipline is susceptible to losing value, depth, and truth in being subjected to measurement and judgment standards. The post-truth era is entangled with the problem of communication in architecture. It brings about a wholesale-like environment for the processes of exchange and communication, where universal standard...
Rationality of Kuhn's conception of theory-change.
Turanlı, Aydan; Department of Philosophy (1985)
Citation Formats
E. Orman, “Reason without sensitibility:a study on the problem of freedom in Kant’s philosophy.,” Middle East Technical University, 1993.