Seamus Heaney’s ‘door into the dark’ in his early poetry: violence in ‘The Tollund Man’ and ‘Punishment

From The Battle of Finnsbury to Tony Harrison’s Shrapnel: The Glory and Misery of War,Osieki,Poland


Seamus Heaney’s ‘door into the dark’ in his early poetry: violence in ‘The Tollund Man’ and ‘Punishment
Birlik, Nurten (Instytut Neofilologii i Komunikacji Społecznej, 2009-12-01)
Seamus Heaney Irish Writers Series
Birlik, Nurten (null, 2017-01-01)
Heaney s language ın poetıc encounters wıth death
Sönmez, Margaret Jeanne M. (2015-11-18)
Death is everywhere in literature and when describing encounters with the moment of death or with dead bodies writers and speakers often show altered or unusual patterns of language. This paper presents some observations about Heaney's language in poetic representations of dead or dying bodies: what I shall (rather clumsily but, I hope, clearly) call 'death scenes'. Heaney's poetic oeuvre is steeped in references to everyday death from age, disease and accident. These are most frequently introduced into the...
Alain Badiou’s ontology and utopian thought /
Kahvecioğlu, Şeref Anıl; Birler, Reşide Ömür; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2015)
This thesis analyzes Alain Badiou’s ontology in a utopian framework. Surprisingly, there is no serious academic study in literature to examine his ontology in a utopian context, even though his ontology involves significant concepts that may connote utopian impulses. Hence, the main purpose of this thesis is to fill this theoretical gap. In this regard, firstly, the thesis categorizes utopian thought as traditional and contemporary, which display utterly opposite characteristics. Secondly, Badiou’s interpre...
Michael Griffin. Islamic State: Rewriting History. London: Pluto Press, 2016. Reviewed by Richard C. Dietrich
Dietrich, Richard (2017-10-01)
Citation Formats
N. Birlik, “Seamus Heaney’s ‘door into the dark’ in his early poetry: violence in ‘The Tollund Man’ and ’Punishment,” presented at the From The Battle of Finnsbury to Tony Harrison’s Shrapnel: The Glory and Misery of War,Osieki,Poland, Koszalin, Polonya, 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: