"The Transportation of the Caspian Oil through the Black Sea; Environmental Concerns", Proceedings of MEDCOAST-EMECS Joint Conference on Land Ocean Interactions, November 1999, Antalya, Turkey, p. 1279-1288.

MEDCOAST EMECS Joint Conference on Land Ocean Interactions Managing Coastal Ecosystems


"On places of worship and Diyanet,"
Jassal, Smita Tewari (Routledge, London/New York , 2020-02-01)
"Keep it simple!": an eye-tracking study for exploring complexity and distinguishability of web pages for people with autism
Eraslan, Sukru; Yesilada, Yeliz; Yaneva, Victoria; Ha, Le An (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-02-03)
A major limitation of the international well-known standard web accessibility guidelines for people with cognitive disabilities is that they have not been empirically evaluated by using relevant user groups. Instead, they aim to anticipate issues that may arise following the diagnostic criteria. In this paper, we address this problem by empirically evaluating two of the most popular guidelines related to the visual complexity of web pages and the distinguishability of web-page elements. We conducted a compa...
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Kaygan, Harun (2019-3-16)
The body of works gathered under the title ‘design and emotion’, not surprisingly, constitutes a coherent set of definitions concerning their ‘subject’: This presupposed subject is capable of not only 'experiencing' the object (as opposed to 'using'), but also communicating his/her experience accurately. His/her reflections are then collected by positivistic means into a repertoire of sensualities, which forms the basis for further ‘designerly’ operations. Considering designed-objects and experiencing-subj...
"Not All That Is White Is Lime'-White Substances from Archaeological Burial Contexts: Analyses and Interpretations
Schotsmans, Eline M J; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma; Brettell, R. C.; Bessou, Maryelle; Corbineau, Remi; Lingle, Ashley M; Bouquin, D.; Blanchard, P.; Becker, K.; Castex, D.; Knusel, C. J.; Wilson, A. S.; Chapoulie, R. (2019-08-01)
Archaeological burial contexts may include a variety of white substances, but few analyses have been published. This study reports on the physico-chemical characterization of such residues from seven archaeological sites. It is often assumed that white materials from burial contexts are lime. Our findings demonstrate that they can be gypsum, calcite (chalk), aragonite, brushite, degraded metal, natural (gum) resins or synthetic polymer-based products. These may be present as the result of diagenetic process...
"World War I in American Public Memory, 1923-1934: A Visual and Textual Reading of Post-War Stereograph Cards."
Gürsel, Bahar (2018-11-05)
Citation Formats
Ş. Güneş, ““The Transportation of the Caspian Oil through the Black Sea; Environmental Concerns”, Proceedings of MEDCOAST-EMECS Joint Conference on Land Ocean Interactions, November 1999, Antalya, Turkey, p. 1279-1288.,” presented at the MEDCOAST EMECS Joint Conference on Land Ocean Interactions Managing Coastal Ecosystems, Antalya, Türkiye, 1999, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/90511.