Fransa‘daki Seçimin Düşündürdükleri: Küreselleşme, Milliyetçilik ve Demokrası

ODTÜ Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü Semineri


France and The Search For Autonomy In European Security
Bahçecik, Şerif Onur; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Department of International Relations (2004)
This thesis depicts the French security and foreign policy regarding European security. The study covers French foreign and security policy in the aftermath of the Second World War, the period of Charles de Gaulle, François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac. The theme of autonomy in European security is maintained throughout the years under scrutiny. It is argued that the search for autonomy has been a constant goal of the French security and foreign policy. It is also maintained that France has a policy of emp...
Brezilya’da Sağ Siyasetin Yeni Mücadele Mecrası: Yüksek Yargı
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin (BirGün Gazetesi, 2018-11-01)
Sol partilerin, sendikaların güçsüzleştirilmesiyle birlikte işçi sınıfının örgütsüzlüğünün yerini din almaya başlıyor. Evangelizm kitleleri bir araya getiren en önemli merkez haline geliyor
Transformation of political elite in Azerbaijan
Ataşer, Gökhan Alper; Ergun Özbolat, Ayça; Department of Sociology (2020)
This thesis explores the transformation of political elite in the context of post-Soviet authoritarian consolidation. The study is primarily based on semi-structured in-depth interviews and field findings are evaluated within a theoretical and historical framework. A common characteristic of many post-Soviet regimes is their reliance on hybrid regimes. By not rejecting democratic principles and practices altogether, these regimes differ from classical authoritarian regimes of the past century. In the case o...
Europeanization of minority rights in Bulgaria : Turks of bulgaria as a case study
Vatansever Kutlay, Muzaffer; Tayfur, Mehmet Fatih; Department of International Relations (2013)
This thesis aims to find an answer to the following question: What are the shifts and continuities of Bulgaria’s minority policy over the last two decades and what is the impact of the EU, thereby Europeanization, in the process, if any? To answer to this question, three sub-periods (1989-1999, 1999-2007 and 2007-2012) are to be investigated separately to reveal the role of the EU in the process. In this context, this study develops a historical perspective on Bulgaria’s treatment of Turkish minority as a c...
Problems of democratizaton in Armenia (1991-2019)
Kıyak, Figen; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık; Department of Eurasian Studies (2019)
This thesis analyses problems of democratization in post-Soviet Armenia. In this context, I will examine the progresses and problems of the Republic of Armenia within the framework of democratization from declaration of independence to current day. The democratization steps are evaluated within the scope of economy and corruption, civil society, media, foreign and domestic politics, electoral processes and the rule of law. This is done through a historical analysis of the rule of each president since indepe...
Citation Formats
M. Okyayuz, “Fransa‘daki Seçimin Düşündürdükleri: Küreselleşme, Milliyetçilik ve Demokrası,” presented at the ODTÜ Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü Semineri, Ankara, Türkiye, 2002, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: