A new method for the estimation of lacking daylight illumination data by using avaliable meteorological data in Turkey

Hasdemir, Birol


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A computer simulation model for seaport planning
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Determination of solar heat gain factors through glasses in Turkey
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A Detailed Software Process Improvement Methodology: BG-SPI
Aysolmaz, Banu; Demirörs, Onur (2011-06-29)
Software Process Improvement (SPI) methodology is defined as definitions of sequence of tasks, tools and techniques to be performed to plan and implement improvement activities. Well-known SPI frameworks like CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504 define SPI methodologies in an abstract manner. We developed an SPI methodology, BG-SPI. providing a ready-to-use SPI scheme with guidance on an iterative SPI lifecycle, composed of task definitions with details on resources, tools, roles, participation of groups, process assets,...
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Ozdemir, Tonguc; Usanmaz, Ali (Elsevier BV, 2009-09-01)
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Citation Formats
B. Hasdemir, “A new method for the estimation of lacking daylight illumination data by using avaliable meteorological data in Turkey,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1995.