Development Practice: Is There a Need for Detailed Analysis?

Aydın, Zülküf
This article attempts to analyse the encounters between anthropology and development by specifically looking at the peculiarities of both anthropology as a discipline and development practice through project work in the Third World. It intends to highlight the changes that have taken place within both disciplines and in the attitudes of each towards the other. It analyses how and why anthropology has gradually overcome its ethical relativism and its reluctance to participate in practical development work and how and why development practice has come to need anthropological data and methodology in order to achieve its goals.


Development practice: Is there a need for detailed analysis?
Aydın, Zülküf (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2002)
This article attempts to analyse the encounters between anthropology and development by specifically looking at the peculiarities of both anthropology as a discipline and development practice through project work in the Third World. It intends to highlight the changes that have taken place within both disciplines and in the attitudes of each towards the other. It analyses how and why anthropology has gradually overcome its ethical relativism and its reluctance to participate in practical development w...
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Globalization, transnationalization and imperialism : evaluation of sociology of agriculture and food in the case of Turkey
Büke, Atakan; Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan; Department of Sociology (2008)
This study aims to evaluate conceptual considerations of the sociology of agriculture and food from inside and outside of the literature in relation to transnationalization and its claim on the emergence of a transnational state. Although the history of the literature can be traced back to mid-1970s, its development corresponds to 1990s which is also the period that witnessed the hegemony of the concept of globalization in social sciences. This study argues that the claim on transnationalization reflects th...
Critical evaluation on conservation approaches in the archaeological site of perge
Bakacak, Oya; Asatekin, Gül; Restoration in Department of Architecture (2007)
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Considering a Theory of Autopoietic Culture
Boyd, Scott H. (2011-01-01)
This article questions the predominance of pragmatism and fixed points of reference in academic paradigms regarding culture and proposes a theory of autopoietic culture based on a theory of living forms developed by the biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela. The central part of the theory of autopoietic culture is that culture, something originating with humanity and reflected upon by the same, is an autonomous and autonomic unity that is a network of processes and production of components that ...
Citation Formats
Z. Aydın, “Development Practice: Is There a Need for Detailed Analysis?,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1–25, 2002, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: